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View character profile for: Islana Annora
Discovered Realization
It wasn't lost on Islana that Madaya stayed with the adults. There comes a time when childhood gets left behind, sooner for some than others.
Islana's childhood was chipped away after her brother died, but was taken away when she went to live with Vasant. So, she understood the realization that those days were gone.
The redhead knew both her and her younger friend had learned things about themselves on the pilgrimage. Islana had finally come to realize she could be as strong for herself as she was for others. For the first time, there was a feeling of being ready for whatever came next in her life.
It was a beautiful necklace. The shells spoke to an ancient past. Perhaps, there had once been water where there now sand lay.
The exquisite long knife, the stinger had been turned into, left Islana overwhelmed. Not only was the craftsmanship amazing but it was the first thing she owned with the symbol of the Twins on it.
"It's beautiful. Thank you." The huntress exclaimed about her gift.
Kaithak's call from the sky caught the witch's attention. Green eyes watched as three men, in robes, approached the group. Upon asking, it became clear none of the adults knew who the men were, at least from this distance.
Islana's hand went to her knife. Her arm was still injured but feeling better. Using the walking stick had helped her ankle, which seemed almost healed by this point. As for her mind, well, there was still some internal debate about trying her magik. Still, she was ready, just in case there was trouble.