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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Better Safe than Sorry
JP with Omni and Gonyaul:
Gonyaul was hoping that at some point in her explanation there would be a catch which flipped everything on its head and made it all make sense and reasonable. Something, when looked back on would be dismissively worth laughing off. That moment never came. Instead, it became more and more unnecessarily dangerous and risky.
He was exceedingly grateful that she had made it out and back safe. Yet, he had no idea what possessed her to place them in harms way getting mixed up in potentially nefarious matters that did not concern them. He thought the plan was to lay low and make a life together, didn’t they have enough outside threats already in pursuit than to add new local ones? This felt like the remnants of Voah trying to still be an Arbiter. Or perhaps, this was part of her makeup and she just couldn’t help herself?
Gonyaul noticed her surprise. He was watching her reaction prior to looking at what caused it on the piece of parchment. This meant she did not know what she had stolen. For it wouldn’t have made sense to show genuine surprise twice. Her theft was obviously less of a calculated decision and more of a reflexive response. In a moment of lapsed judgement she took from potential evil people with malicious designs what, now that he looked at it, was obviously something of value they would notice missing.
It was a map of Ostiarium. He had walked those streets and grounds enough to figure it out without even having to try and read any lettering. Why would they here need such a thing for there? It did not bode well. Gonyaul had no allegiance to any of the groups or places; however, he did have a desire for decency between people. This reeked of sinister intentions.
Gonyaul paused as he let his patience wash over him and guide his thought. He gave Voah a gentle squeeze with one arm around her before speaking out loud, face still fixated towards the map. He refrained from a lecture on her foolishness.
“We need pack and change camp spot right now.”
Voah recognized the depiction of Ostiarium without walls. It was not a stolen copy nor a replica but hand drawn from observation and it contained notes in Ozainae, but it was very accurate. She couldn’t read the notes but they clearly marked the different districts of the Gate City.
This could spell bad news for the Helian colonists. The dark robes must have already sent at least one spy that had somehow visited and already returned. What were they up to? Her insights were proving correct. This reeked of ill intent, but… she already knew the natives of this land didn’t want the foreign invaders here. The thing that really bothered her about this revelation was that the citizens of Gra’akast harbored some sort of animosity toward the dark robes. Oh, how it plagued her mind with questions.
Voah had picked up on the seriousness of Gonyaul’s response. Rarely had she seen him respond without a smile behind his eyes. She could tell he was worried and upset with her, but she knew he wouldn’t waste time and words saying that last part aloud. She assumed she was careful but it probably would be best to move on.
Silently agreeing, Voah rolled the map back up with a guilty sigh. Once again she was bringing trouble to herself and the people close to her.
“I’m sorry, my darling…”
With regret she started packing up their things, starting with the ivory cards that Gonyaul spent so much time laying out.
“I am tempted to burn that thing… but there might be more information on it.” she said, referring to the map.
Since Voah started packing up the cards first, Gonyaul started to work on breaking down their larger camping items. He willingly chose to keep a pleasant attitude, even though his expectation on how he thought the evening would go was derailed. The quality time wasn’t lost he reminded himself. It was like water, just taking the shape of its new container. They would have plenty of quality time packing, relocating and setting back up. Voah had gone her entire life without a mark of kagim ceremony, postponing till a later time was inconsequential.
Fortunately, Gonyaul was very used to this lifestyle. He had remained undetected by the inquisition while living in Helias and Ostiarium for a combined total of seven years. It wasn’t until he chose to present himself and get involved that anyone discovered it. With such a background, it was prudent to have a fallback plan, and Gonyaul had already scoped out the next place to camp. Going back and forth each day, from work to home, made it easy to look about without drawing any notice.
“I forgive you. Glad safe.” He replied to her apology. He also had a pretty good idea which mark of kagim she was going to end up with; however, he didn’t want to presume anything.
“I think you right about map. Much detail. If caught you and I be branded spies. Best find way to hide if place ever searched.” He wagered that spies were probably dealt with harshly when caught.