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View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Pick a Card, Any Card
The deed was done. Gonyaul relaxed from his calligraphic framing and admired the Vauxian characters which adorned Voah’s journal. He had recorded, which to the ignorant would look like a beautiful abstract design, but to the knowing it was the blueprints for the mark of kagim ceremony. It was more than just the writing it was the environmental setup at the same time.
Gonyaul returned all of Voah’s supplies and journal back to where he found them. He had half expected that Voah, who was normally always home before him, would have returned during his writing. The fact that she was still absent was starting to concern him; she was prone to attracting trouble from his experience. He decided to give it just a little more time before starting to go look for her.
He passed that time first dancing with the staff. He refrained from any acrobatic or intense athletic moves, instead opting for a gentle and slow pace. He wanted to keep it simple, so easy that he could drift off into daydream while keeping the performing going.
When done, Voah was still absent. He frowned and looked to the sun, “You think you can stay up till she get back?” He jested.
Gonyaul had one more thing he wanted to do to pass the time. He would use her deck of cards, the loot from the mines, to setup the ceremony. Each card had a unique look on one side and a consistent look on the other. The fact that there was variety meant he could have each card represent a category, and likewise subcategories, or kagim. In this way, Voah would have a tangible setup to interact with.
Gonyaul organized them into their groupings. It would be like choosing your own adventure. Each choice would unlock a new level of options. He began setting the cards out about their camp in concentric circles radiating out from a central meditative area where Voah would be positioned. The cards were strategically placed in the space to represent the following:
Virtue of Wisdom
1. Creativity
2. Curiosity
3. Judgement
4. Learning
5. Perspective.
Virtue of Courage
1. Bravery
2. Honesty
3. Perseverance
4. Zest
5. Vulnerability
Virtue of Humanity
1. Kindness
2. Love
3. Civics
4. Resilience
5. Empathy
Virtue of Justice
1. Teamwork
2. Fairness
3. Leadership
4. Ownership
5. Truth
Virtue of Temperance
1. Forgiveness
2. Humility
3. Discipline
4. Prudence
5. Peace
Virtue of Transcendence
1. Admiration
2. Gratitude
3. Hope
4. Humor
5. Spirituality
The stage had been set. It was weird, looking about the place, how much it didn’t look and feel like the actual ceremony. It wouldn’t have the accompanying support, circumstance and witnesses of elders. It was also unusual, because this was supposed to be done with a baby of crawling age, never before with an adult. A vaux would have an entire upbringing to be instructed and practice every single one of the kagim on a daily basis. They would invest further in the chosen kagim till it was as natural as breathing, or a good habit. Would an adult, who had already installed so much of the world and their own ways, be able to truly experience a metamorphosis of character?
Now all he needed was the guest of honor. Where could she be? Gonyaul looked one last time to the sun. It was moments away from kissing the horizon. At that moment he would get ready to start searching.