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View character profile for: Islana Annora
Clouded Calling
Islana stood there drinking in the words that came from the deity before her. Trusting the faith, going back to where one came from. The interpretation in her mind made sense.
There was something else, something which clouded the moment. Pain across Yther's face. It broke into the mood, like an intruder.
The young woman listened but her ears didn't want to believe what was said. Someone was killing the girls that answered the call? Why? Wasn't this pilgrimage considered sacred?
The body of the girl found in the desert, came to mind. Had she been a victim? All the girls were young, Islana's age or younger, the redhead knew that. Which meant children had been murdered.
It also meant Islana wanted it stopped, but how? Gra'akast would be entered soon and the huntress wasn't sure anyone would believe she had been on the quest, let alone, this encounter with Yther.
"Who? Who is killing them?"
The question came after a little of the shock wore off. If information that Islana shouldn't know, could be gathered, maybe that would help prove what had occurred.