Dark robes


The road that led from the city centre towards the furthest wars of the Holy City, was almost unrecognizable as such. Nature had begun reclaiming the now unused area. The wind gently sways the tall grasses in the abandoned gardens while wild bushes make their claim on every acre not taken by the sands.

Voah, did not have to think twice about being careful as she did her best to follow the two black robed men. The few people that roamed this part of the city have them a wide berth.

This part of Gra'akast had obviously been abandoned a long time ago. She saw no guards here, only the odd vagrant. Some doors were shut tightly, windows boarded up, others were broken down. Some forcefully, others had simply collapsed under their own weight as the elements continued to eat away at them. Paint crumbled off of the walls and were slowly replaced by vines that crawled their way towards the decrepid rooftops. She would not risk roofwalking here.

Silence took hold, almost deafening, if not for the loud boisterous voices of the ones she tracked.

A large rat, fat from scraps, ran over her left boot, making her jump and almost trip, banging her shoulder against a wooden frame.

The men up ahead turned back searching for signs of the noise...

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