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View character profile for: Shalia Nix
Question of Time
JP with Winteroak and White_Caribou
Her words went some way to assure him that she was here indeed to pursue the alliance between the Odonine and the Ozainae. He might not yet be privy to her reasons and how she truly felt about eradicating her own people, but all evidence pointed that she had taken up the Odonine cause as if she truly was one of them.
"That was the source of many discussions between myself and Sister Locust. Her decision was one that I did not agree with." He said running his finger through the rim of his glass. "Ostiarium should be destroyed as soon as possible before they foothold the Helians have on the continent become impossible to dislodge..." He paused considering if he should share with her more. A few heartbeats of silence extended between the two but he in the he decide he should.
"Although the last Seer was adamant only the new incarnation should raise the Horde she did put plans in motion to ensure it will be done as soon as she returns..." He said enigmatically and lowered his voice.
"Hmm," Shalia lifted the glass to her lips and looked off at the gardens to give herself another brief period to think. She could inquire about those mysterious plans, but his hesitation made it clear that it was not easy information to divulge the details of even to her. Not yet. But at least they shared a similar urgency about the Horde.
"And how long do you think it will take?" She looked back to him, hand tightening slightly around the glass knowing the answer was still uncertain.
"Agizul informed me that your people never know, but I value your input more. How long have the previous processes taken?"
He pondered the question. There had been hundreds of such events throughout their history. "Never more than a few weeks, a month at the most. The Call goes out as soon as Sister Locust dies. The penitents walk the Pilgrimage of Bones as we speak. And those that are found worthy eventually make their way to our city." He explained.
"However myself and some others in the city are keen to ensure our plans do not stop or are delayed by such matters. You can assure the Warchieftan the treaty will be enforced and before the first rains come to Arcadia, we will be ready to move on the City with our might."