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View character profile for: Islana Annora
The Rescue
As much as she could, without moving and making matters worse, Islana was watching the animal. It either didn't understand her request or was coming up with a different idea, maybe both.
It was as if its yellow eyes were piercing her soul, which was maybe a little unnerving but, the young witch had nothing in her that would make her suspect to the sk'elep.
At first Islana couldn't figure out what the jackal was doing, then it stretched towards her, its breath lingered on her. Its jaws opened, was it going to snap her neck?
The young woman's entire body tensed, she closed her eyes, the jaws then clamped around her neck and, much to her surprise, began to slowly pull her out of the mess.
It became clear, at that point, the jackal was pulling her out by the neck, the way it would a young pup. Islana had certainly seen this before but never thought it would be the way she was rescued.
Still, it was working, even if it felt very odd, to be lifted like that. It took several minutes due to the slowness at which the help had to occur but eventually, Islana found herself on solid ground.
*Thank you," Gratuited accompanied her voice and the words were sent mentally as well. "I wish I had something to give you."
Of course, she had nothing on her for the animal. Kaithak swooped down, Islana held out her arm and the falcon landed on it.
Kaithak looked at Islana, then at the jackal, then back at Islana.
"It's all good," the redheaded witch told her falcon.
Kaithak seemed to nod to the Sk'elep, or maybe Islana was imagining it but she liked to think a show of gratitude was exchanged from the bird to the jackal. Her feathered companion then took back to the sky.
Islana looked herself over, she wasn't injured but was extremely tired, hot, her skin was fried, and the dehydration was worse. Then there was the covering of muck which lay on her body, which was quickly drying under the intense rays of the sun. Some of it seemed to fall off as it dried, some seemed to stick to her skin but there was nothing she could do without water at her disposal.
There was the pull, once again, it was time to continue on. Maybe, actual water would be on route. She turned to the jackal and gave it a nod before continuing on.
Islana would certainly welcome the Sk'elep on her journey if it chose to come, but she didn't want to use her ability to force that situation. After all, Kaithak always was left with freedom of choice, it was the falcon's unbreaking loyalty that kept it with her. It would be the animal's choice, at least that's how Islana saw things in the present moment.