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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Tell Me of Home
JP with Omni and Lorem:
Voah watched Gonyaul with an expression of longing and wonder as he put on his performance. She was extremely entertained. It reminded her of the acting troupe of the Grand Revelry.
His offhand comment glimpse of their future was whimsical but something to be considered. She thumbed the seed on her necklace.
The thoughts of having children together had not escaped her mind. For now that idea would be far off. What adventures were in store for them?
She bit him gently on his jawline and growled playfully like a fox with a catch.
What did marriage look like? Home? Would they live like she had, as nomads, not settling until years later? Or like him? How did they live? How many were there? She hadn’t really asked him many details.
“Tell me more about your home.”
As she bit him Gonyaul gasped, laughed with a shocked pitch, and a blush spread across his face like a wildfire. He wiggled free and released his arm around her, her hair and chin tickling his neck. He smirked playfully at her. It was a shame they always seemed to be in circumstances that prevented them from taking the desire to go further into action.
It was obvious he didn’t realize his verbal slip regarding wanting to make a family with her while joking around.
Her question was a loaded one. Where to even start? Gonyaul decided it best to pick something and perhaps her follow up questions would help him with the breadth and depth of what to share.
He nodded and made his way to getting back on Amu. They still needed to keep moving, break time was over.
“We live now in jungle all alone from world. I learn call it Kru’ll. Know not where is home on map.”
He trailed off sadly when he mentioned its unknown location. All he had was his personal visual experience when he left. That memory was now just over seven years old. He knew the jungle was now seven years visually different in its growth. It would be tremendously difficult to find such a small place in the vastness of the uncharted jungle.
He continued, “Went there to survive. Had to adapt to new life.
Used to call Forsaken Lands home. Never been to see.”
He stopped himself to clarify, “This all happen before me born.”
Gonyaul went on to explain the vast variety and extremes naturally occurring in the jungle in regards to its flora and fauna. That there were four distinct areas, each with their beautiful, dangerous and bizarre qualities and inhabitants: the subterranean network of roots and fungi, the vulnerable and humbling ground floor, the dense massive trees and the heavenly canopy where they structurally made their dwellings. He didn’t go into much detail in this moment; however, he also explained that the Vaux, the 93 that inhabited it, had learned to coexist alongside all four areas.