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View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Entering the Tent
When she turned to Gonyaul and presented her accomplishment, he applauded and rose to move closer to her and get a look at the craftsmanship. He started speaking to her, praising her efforts and how impressed he was with her creation. While doing so he moved about the tent studying the bindings and materials, committing it to memory.
Tiponi could feel the authentic joy radiating off of Gonyaul in edification of her construction. It caused her to swell with happiness which shined forth from her face. Normally she was doing most of the talking; however, as she was still catching her breath, Gonyaul was filling the air with vauxian sounds. It sounded like music to her when he talked.
It was at that moment Gonyaul realized he had gotten ahead of himself and he hopped over to where he had been sitting and retrieved the water and pemmican for her to revitalize her strength. Tiponi gladly partook.
She then said a few words and made her way to the tent door flap, opening it for Gonyaul to inspect the interior. He nodded and went inside, with Tiponi remaining just outside the flap taking a seated position on the back of her heels.
The inside was smaller and cozier than the tent he was in the first night. The interior mirroring the exterior in regards to the appearance, save the floor which was covered in hides to creating comfortable padding from the ground. Gonyaul could see where the fire pit would go and how the smoke flap worked to vent the tent. There was also small wind flaps, currently closed, to allow breezes and fresh air in to the desire level. It was the most interesting tent he had ever been in and his eyes were wide in wonderment.
Tiptoni sat patiently, very much pleased with the reaction Gonyaul was broadcasting.
Gonyaul turned to say something; however, realized she had remained outside. He had expected her to follow in with him and show him her handiwork. Gonyaul smiled to her and extended his hands, gesturing for her to enter.
Tiponi looked down to hide her blush and reactionary smile. She then entered at his request.
Gonyaul took a seated position and she took one as well across from him. He looked her in the eyes for a long silence. He was speechless. She was amused knowing that she was the cause of it. Gonyaul had never experienced this level of selfless sacrifice and effort for his own benefit. How could he repay such kindness?
He finally spoke, telling her how much it meant to him. In true Gonyaul fashion he was truthful and openly vulnerable with how he was feeling. Tiponi couldn’t tell what he was saying, but could easily discern what he meant by reading his tone and body language. She responded as well, with how much joy it had brought her to do that for him. Gonyaul likewise not following, but picking up the glow about her presence. The two were once again silent and just looking at one another and both being satisfied by it.
Gonyual was the first to break the stare. It was just about to feel like she was slipping past his eyes and deeper into his soul. It surprised him.
Since that morning, he had been trying to figure out how he could express his gratitude since the language barrier made it harder. And he had a idea.