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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Hunter
New Mission
Posted byPosted: Dec 23, 2021, 7:09pm
Hunter began his morning as usual with early exercises before sunrise. He noticed the weather getting colder as winter was approaching. He was glad to see the ships were finally gone from the port. It would be a year before they came back at the earliest so Hunter had time to establish himself at his own pace. So for almost two and a half years he managed to stay hidden from any pursuers his former boss may or may have not sent. Of course he had no plans to drop his guard since it would lead to his demise if word about him reached the Duke. Royalty had a certain way of doing things that was not kind to commoners. Once he finished his workout he made his way back to the barracks. Then he washed up in time for breakfast with the soldiers before morning training with them.
After breakfast Hunter left with the soldiers for morning training and he saw the fishermen trying to load up on food for the festival. He also saw the lumberjacks delivering firewood and making a bonfire stack for the big dance. He figured it was going to be a grand festival for the people there. He did enjoy a few festivals as he escorted his beloved before she was taken from the mortal world. Though he was not a big drinker he did enjoy a bit of the culture when he was with her. So he was in a dilemma now since he didn't want to go, but as a hunter he was expected to attend so they saw him. He figure he would nurse one drink for several hours and watch the dances since he knew the thieves would be lurking about to take advantage of the drunkards.
Hunter was familiar with the worship of the Goddess Hoi, who was basically the Goddess of Gluttony, Harvest and Lust, even though he didn't worship the gods. When he studied the gods and their culture it was not to practice their customs, but to find opportunities to kill his victims with the least issues. This also included cooking food with poisons and all night stakeouts. So sadly his heart was not into the festival at all. Once training began he continued his normal training with the bow, his short swords and longsword. He only practiced his swords on a basic level to keep up the guise of him being an archer/hunter.
Once training was over he heard from a soldier a knight was looking for him. So Hunter wiped his face and made his way to the knight who was looking for him. The knight then informed him that the Fall Festival was going to happen soon and his attendance was "Advised", which was a nice way to say you have to go. Then he learned that they would be attend a sermon at the Shrine of Kupen and it didn't matter if he worshiped a different god. He just had to show his face and be respectful to the Inquisitor. Hunter wanted to question why but the knight looked like he was reading it off a paper so it was not likely he knew all the details. Then he informed Hunter that he was selected to join a small trading party travelling west of the city as a scout in five days. He was to report to Arbiter Voah Sansuur at the Keep in five days at first light. Hunter gave a slight bow as he replied to the knight he would do as requested respectfully. This appeased the knight since he was expecting resistance.
The knight was in good spirits as he left Hunter to his clean up duties in the training yard. So hunter went to puck up the wooden swords, bows and arrows and returned them their lockers before heading to wash up again. He politely greeted the other soldiers before he went back to working on making arrows. By this point he had made two quivers of completed arrows and five bundles of twenty arrows without arrowheads. He had them wrapped in a fur skin to protect them in his backpack. He quietly kept busy to avoid getting involved in the conversations the others were having and to avoid being invited to the pubs. Sometimes his mind would wander to his past as he thought about his dead beloved. When this happened his eyes would soften for a moment and when he snapped out of it his eyes became empty again.