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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
What is Kagim?
JP with Voah and Gonyaul
“Yes. No met one though. I use think, cause taught, they people that twist kagim. Now I see a puzzlement.” He replied in a conflicted tone.
He was learning that perhaps his upbringing was distorted apart from kagim. While true, it was missing the necessary context to put the puzzle pieces in the correct places to complete the bigger picture.
Ever mysterious. There was that word again. Kagim.
“What is kagiim?” she asked quizzically. “And what puzzles you, nnn?”
She was interested, but she made sure to keep her eyes open for any movement on the horizon.
He sighed a bit of relief, a chance for him to say something that made more sense to him for a change. Now the trick was to explain it in common tongue.
With confidence he answered, “Kagim is how things meant to be before made false. It is balancing of design. For example, all people design to love one another. To do to one another as care to have done in return. When this is so, kagim is flowing. When man do evil to fellow man kagim no flowing.”
He paused and answered her second question more interrogatively, “I be puzzlement … nnn … because power come in all forms I see. Not just power of witch. All have ability to take power and go against kagim. And all have choice to flow with kagim. I think now that maybe witches can be in kagim too?”
His surviving, almost extinct, people had taught him that all faiths and all magik users were opponents to kagim. But he now wonders if they were being bitter in their teaching because of what they endured. He presently was thinking faith and magik were a natural part of kagim itself. It was not these things, but the thoughts and actions of the individuals themselves that made all the difference.
In her experience, people were designed to be in a state of constant conflict. Magik weavers seemed much more powerful than normal men. Which was why the Inquisition had to go to great lengths to terminate them.
Kagim flowed? And witches were equal with the people of faith? These were dangerous thoughts but her newly open mind was listening with an unpleasant hesitation.
“What happens when this Kagim stops flowing?“
Gonyaul looked sad at that question. “All this beautiful creation.”
He gestured all around them and also made a point to include the two of them to represent humanity.
“Tears itself apart nothing remains.” He meant to say nothing good remains; an eternal end of perpetual damnation and strife.