Characters in this post

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
I’ve Been Summoned
JP with Alexis, Gonyaul, Tarmen and Voah:
Gonyaul hung back as they arrived, just close enough to hear their conversation and see what was happening. He did not want to get in the way of these three close friends.
He basically knew Tarmen from his natal day antics, his miraculous survivability in the mines, and his immense courage to try and save them during the battle. Apparently Gonyaul had already dismissed his madness and irrational behavior from their initial spelunking dive; no longer crediting it to his identification.
Voah was there. So that is where she was when he couldn’t find her earlier. He tried to keep a solemn disposition, but he couldn’t hide the fact he enjoyed seeing her regardless of the circumstances.
When he looked over their champion, he saw the harsh reality of what doing the right thing and standing in for the weak may reward you with in the outside world.
Alexis joined the circle keeping quiet as to let them finish their conversation.
She might not have looked like it, but Voah was still bruised and sore all over.
She chuckled nervously, “Yes, a blessing I cannot truly explain.”
And as if by simply thinking about her guilt, Voah sensed the wounds on her shoulder and side sort of quiver. But they weren’t closing. It seemed as if they were reopening.
It was a boon that, perhaps, she no longer deserved… the voices in her head said as much.
~…Infidel… traitor…~
Tarmen pulled himself into a higher position as best he could when he noticed Alexis had arrived. He only managed a bit of a shuffle, but he could see everyone better.
“After everythin’… I’d say you deserve it. You have…a way of showin’ the Pillars. People listen. By word…or by sword.”
His small smile crept down at more memories, ones he had already seen but the topic replayed them anyway.
“One thing.. for sure. You’re the first… Inquisitor I would stand with.”
Tarmen’s faith in her was, for the moment, helpful enough to banish away those thoughts which she couldn’t discern were the whispers of the spores or her own thoughts… or both. The church had let Tarmen down, along with so many others. Although he was disrespecting the others of the faith by saying he would not stand with them, the compliment meant the world to Voah.
She gave him a smile and held his hand. His words today were the highest praise he had really given her out loud before, but she answered in their silent language.
‘Thank you, my dear friend.’
Then she inhaled to compose herself and looked back at the others with a sigh.
“I’ve been summoned… duty calls to me from far off to the northeast… and I must go…”