Characters in this post

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
This Place Is Madness
JP with Alexis, Gonyaul, Tarmen and Voah:
After the confession, Tarmen seemed to be slipping in and out of lucidity and muttering to himself. Voah asked someone to fetch Alexis just in case Tarmen decided to give up the ghost.
When Voah’s summons reached Gonyaul and Alexis, the mercenary had been just through very unsuccessfully trying to keep her friend from going absolutely overboard with preparing her a resting place and was in the middle of politely but desperately declining his offer to massage a growing collection of body parts. She would never have thought the saying of ‘give someone an inch, and they’ll take a mile’ could be true for boundless altruism, too, but here they were.
If the summons didn’t seem so severe, honestly, she would have been grateful for the save.
As it was, with Gonyaul in tow, she descended to where she left Tarmen and Voah with increasing worry.
Tarmen felt like hell. He wasn’t sure if it was more of the mold or simply how one recovers from near death, but it felt like a true test from Zin.
He looked to Voah, cracking a smile in a moment of clarity.
“Ever think this… would be your life? I certainly didn’t.”
His question really hit home and she replied honestly, “Never…”
Memories of home floated through his vision, both good and bad. He heard his voice commenting on them, but wasn’t sure if he was speaking or not.
“Much simpler then. Stealin’ from… the local bosses, runnin’ free… through the ruins and trees.”
Not a charmed life, not by a long shot, but it had its moments.
“Used to think… I knew pain. Loss. Defea-“
A hacking fit brought up congealed blood as his body sought to clear itself of it. At least it wasn’t fresh.
Wiping it off his hand with a nearby rag, he haggardly chuckled.
“Madness. This place… has given me madness.”
Voah helped him get a drink of water just as Alexis and Gonyaul were arriving.
She couldn't help but agree.
"...Madness... or a curse? My ailments have clung to me and I feel them compounding."
Her suffering had begun on the voyage to Arcadia. Fasting and hard times had never been such an arduous endeavor. It was as if all of her training and conditioning was wearing off.
His talk with Alexis came into view.
“Cursed. That fits. Used to laugh…. At the idea. A child’s game. Then..the island.”
He felt for the head, not surprised to see it still at his hip. Bloody parasite. He still needed to burn it, though he had doubts given his condition and knowhow on the matter. Maybe something to read on later.
For now he shifted to look at Voah, ever a radiance wherever she was. He chuckled again.
“Lookin’…pretty well off. Pillar’s favor… you at least to patch up.”