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View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Shalia Nix
Trials and Tribulations
JP with Cindy, Jaxx, White_Caribou
After being pulled out of the hot tent, poor Hunter was then put in chains with his hands above his head so they could pour a liquid down his throat before he was slashed with cold water. The shock woke him up to a drunken like stupor as he drunkenly looked around at his captors and then at his naked lower half. He grinned then wobbled his head as he looked up at his captors and spoke, "You know love there are better ways to woo a guy." He then chuckled as he realized his hands were in chains above himself. He tried to work the chains only to fail and grin again as he muttered, "Such a forceful bunch ya are. Well since ya like it rough, I'll give ya a good spank once me hands are free." Hunter then coughed and laughed to himself as he muttered incoherently to anyone listening.
A complete feeling of devastation overtook the young woman and Islana couldn't help the tears that came from her eyes. After everything she had gone through, all the work to put her life back together, to be reduced to this and worse to have dragged Hunter into this fate as well.
It had been days since the pair left, days of tracks being covered, days in which anything could have happened. It was unlikely anyone would find them.
As much as the young woman had contemplated Hunter and she might never see their friends again, there had been a small semblance of hope that they would. That small ray of hope seemed very dark now.
The words spoken to her were unrecognizable but the calming tone was easily understood. For the Odsier woman's sake Islana tried to calm down, but that task was difficult. Being shown the scars needed no translation. That or worse would happen to her if she tried to escape.
Islana tried to gesture, talk, ask - what had happened to her friend. Doubtful the other woman would understand her but she needed to try.
If she was lonely before, this journey would prove even more so. The hooves sounding softly behind Shalia matched with the unwanted silence of the men made sure of that. Five more days of this until they reached the Armat Caravanserai and met the emissary. Thrilling. She already felt somewhat vulnerable without Koshnem’s presence. She and the men with her had all clearly desired to join him in the plains, but alas were given another mission. One she didn’t fully understand yet, but she knew he trusted her enough to ask. And this group was under her leadership now whether they liked it or not.
Shalia looked over her shoulder and spoke in an effort to lift spirits otherwise it would be a dreadfully silent journey, and she did not wish to be lost in her own thoughts too long.
“When we prevail in the days to come, and Koshnem finally returns, we celebrate grandly with them. Bask in the spoils just the same.”
But it was not going to be the same. She felt a twinge of betrayal that had made her act like a child throwing a tantrum when the leader told her she had to stay behind. But she understood deeply that this was the best decision. They did not need her in the plains now. Still, the feeling stung.
Riding into the Kumik village, Shalia was quick to find the elders talking among themselves outside and made her way over, motioning with her hand for the men behind her to stay put. As she did, she looked on in the distance toward the village hearthstone and spotted what appeared to be a naked foreign man bound near it. The sight made her brow twist in utter confusion as she viewed it, and amusement curled her mouth into a small grin
~Well, that’s new.~
After shaking off the feeling and hardening her expression, stopping a few feet from the gathered elders, she called out, “The Aghul make themselves known. Our horses require feeding and our supplies need replenishing.” She looked down to them from her steed.