Kiss The Blade

The next few days were very full for Voah. She spent her time training her voice and honing her body for better agility. After extended time on the crowded colony ship she needed it.

Voah realized her gift for the Lord Commander was not in the trunk she had recovered from Till at the Drunken Hare, and so she sought out the grubby thief who had stolen it on the day of the new arrivals. With the help of Till and Wim, her "Lucky Stars", the Arbiter tracked the thief easily around midday to the Drunken Hare. She trudged down the stairs of the burrowed tavern with purpose and wrath. Before the small crowd knew what happened, the poor man was kicked from his stool and on his back.

“You have taken from the Holy House that which was not offered and so Vastad wills it that I take something in return. What will it be, thief? A hand? Or are you going to return the rest of my things?”

Till, as well as the other onlookers stared in shock as the unassuming woman, stood elegantly dressed over the grubby thief with a gleaming blade at his throat.

“Please! Please! Mercy miss! I didn’t take nothin’! Honest!” The man whimpered.

"Oh... lies. Not expected at all." she said with every word laced with sarcasm. She turned to Till. "Is this not the same man from whom you recovered my trunk? Perhaps my eyes deceive me." She was really putting on a performance.

"That's the man, for sure." Till said a bit nervously.

She turned back to the trembling thief and put a boot down on one of his arms, raising the sword for a swing. “Well two can play at the game of lies.” she smiled menacingly. “This won’t hurt a bit.”

"No! No please! Mercy! I beg you."

Voah grabbed him by the arm, lifting him to his knees and squatted in front of him, glaring into his weeping eyes.

"I have a family, miss." he managed to squeak out.

"Arbiter," she corrected him.

“Huh?” eeked the man, bewildered.

"You may refer to me as Arbiter," she replied.

"I'm sorry Ar... Arbiter. I was only trying to provide for my family."

"Well... maybe so, but it seems you chose the wrong path to support them," she set the tip of the sword into the dirty wooden floor and set the broad side toward the man. He could see engravings running along its length in the center.

"I'll take you to it myself, please." The man squinted his eyes in confusion and fear as Voah strangely closed her eyes and began to hum.

"You have managed to sway me well enough, for I stand here to witness your pitiful remorse." She opened her eyes glaring right into his soul. "But Vastad requires a more... primal offering... A payment in blood. Penance through pain.

She cut off his pleas and raised her voice over his, "Repent and earn mine mercy, thief. Kiss the blade."

"Wha???" he sputtered out in confusion.

She cocked her head and tried again. "Kiss. The. Blade."

This was a sign of repentance and submission to Vastad, to kiss the blade that spares you, lest the blade kiss you. The man nervously looked around before leaning in to kiss the beautiful piece of silvered steel. As he did, she rotated it so that the edge would meet his lips. The man stopped short at first but continued to gently lay one on the keen edge of the sword.

"You call that a kiss?" Voah grabbed the back of the man's head and pulled it closer to hers. Small rivulets of crimson streamed from his lips and her forehead as their flesh met the blade and she held them there against his struggling. It would be a light wound for both of them but he would hopefully bear the scar as a reminder. Voah however, would heal cleanly. She let go of him and let him fall back.

"Now. Show me where you took my things." she demanded imperiously.


Later that day...

For the Fall Festival, Voah decided the colony needed a special performance so she sought those who were hosting the event. She put the word out and personally looked for a small group of the most comely men and women who followed Hoi (or were at least willing to play the part) as well as entertainers to be a part in a harvest ritual. It was a difficult task as the festival was quickly approaching. Voah was met with a variety of responses, some bewildered, some annoyed, others nervous.

She specifically sought out the scholar Boyce Blackwolf of the Grand Library of Orb. Voah met The Wolf with a Salarian greeting.

“Well met, Master Blackwolf, I have been looking for you. I have a few prepositions for you. Firstly, how do you feel about playing your instrument for a special performance during the festival of Hoi? Secondly, I will be leading a Trade Party to entreat with the native Odsier tribes within the coming week. I wonder if you might like to join. We could use a man of intelligence such as yourself. If there is anyone else you might recommend, I am open to consideration."

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