Characters in this post

View character profile for: Baron Aegon

View character profile for: Commander Iras Luando

View character profile for: Niko Trantis

View character profile for: Inna Keokea (NPC)

View character profile for: CZ-9 'Niner'

View character profile for: Grand Admiral Darsh Abalam (NPC)

View character profile for: General Joux Ristt (NPC)
Enkindle: Assault
Onboard the Nimble Dragon, Baron waited patiently for his orders, now surely was the time for the assault on the Weapons Facility. Niner sat in low power mode next to Aegon. The small internal clicking sounds of his droid assistant still bother Baron on a regular basis. Beep! It was an urgent message from Ristt, the rebel leaned over and flicked a switch to start playback. "This is Ring Base, General Dodonna has given his order to commence the assault on the Denon Imperial Weapons Facility. Ulaan, you are to meet with Special Agent Aegon at Point Auerek. You two together will lead this attack! Strike the production core and as a secondary objective gather intelligence, intelligence on Project Enkindle. May the force be with you both, General Ristt out."
Baron let out a lengthened breath, he tapped Niner on the back. "Wake up buddy it's time!" The CZ-9 droid jolted as he returned to full power mode. "We are commencing the attack?" Niner asked.
"Exactly that Niner, buckle up..." Baron activated the ship's engines and placed a headset over his head. "This is Aegon speaking, sorry if I'm interrupting something but the assault on the Weapons Facility is now. I recommend you both wear something... protective," Aegon's voice boomed through the ship, startling Trantis and Inna. The Nimble Dragon roared as it finally ascended from Bay Nineteen. The YT-2000 was on it's way deeper into Denon, towards Denon's dangerous industrial district Nambal Quarter - entirely Imperial controlled. Not a place for a civilian.
Meanwhile on the ISD Malice... "Your talent is certainly admirable," Commander Luando charmed, she was doing all she could to impress the Grand Admiral. "You are too kind Commander Luando. Perhaps one day someone will say the same about you," Abalam laughed. The laughter was cut short when suddenly a holographic map of Denon appeared without warning. "What's that Denon?"
"Indeed it is Luando, you shouldn't have to ask." A red dot flickered on the map moving straight across the labyrinthine city streets. "One of yours?"
"Quite the opposite Commander, the rebels are moving. Ulaan is taking a trip to the facility finally. Commander Luando, alert any available security forces on the Intrepid to dispatch to the facility at once," the Grand Admiral ordered, Iras was surprised by how calm he sounded, she assumed it was his cunning skill at work. "Right away Grand Admiral." Darsh Abalam held down a button stationed on his desk. "Captain Velgi, prepare my ship at once for immediate dispatch to the Weapons Facility. Notify Raven Squadron that'll we'll require air support."
"Right away sir," came a ratty voice on the other end of Abalam's communicator. The fight for Enkindle was about to start.
To Be Continued...