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View character profile for: Baron Aegon

View character profile for: Niko Trantis

View character profile for: Stormtroopers (NPC)

View character profile for: Inna Keokea (NPC)

View character profile for: CZ-9 'Niner'

View character profile for: Rebel Forces (NPC)

View character profile for: General Joux Ristt (NPC)
Enkindle: Allies in the Skies
"Ulaan do you receive me this is the Nimble Dragon?" Baron spoke into the headset. It was near silent for a moment, all he could hear was a fizzy white noise sound. "Repeat, Ulaan do you receive me this is the Nimble Dragon?"
"Loud and clear Nimble Dragon. What's your position?"
"About eight klicks from the group point, state your position," Aegon was starting to feel nervous now. "Zero klicks. We are already at group point."
"Understood ground assault, commence attack now!"
"What are you going to do Nimble Dragon?"
"I'm going to take out any exterior defences. You focus on getting inside, understood?"
"Understood Agent, good luck." The YT-2000 cut through the air gracefully, narrowly avoiding other remote freighter ships. Within moments he was facing the facility's outer defences. "Trantis, Inna! Get to the guns - target those troopers and laser turrets pronto," Baron growled. "Niner use the top cannon!" Niner took controls of the top cannon and fired at the few TIE Fighters the facility had available.
"Agent Aegon do you receive? I repeat Agent Aegon do you receive?" Baron Aegon didn't recognize the voice blasting into his ear. "This is Agent Aegon who is this?"
"This is Angel Leader, we were dispatchedhere by General Ristt. Air assistance. I recommend you take a look outside your hull window," Angel Leader announced. Aegon turned his head to the side and saw a squadron of Z95 Headhunters, Angel Squadron was Ristt's elite unit stationed at Ring Base. They were fast and agile - a perfect model for future rebel Starfighter squadrons. "We can take over if you like Agent, you get inside and finish Project Enkindle."
"Thank you Angel Leader, good luck!" The Nimble Dragon dropped and took a sharp turn. It landed on one of the many suspended landing pads outside the facility. Baron, Trantis and Inna ran out gunning down any Stormtroopers that stood in their way. Niner wisely stayed behind to watch the ship. Inside the Weapons Facility were the standard black and grey surfaces of any Imperial ship, facility or academy. Aegon had became quite accustom to this architecture in his few years of infiltration. He spotted Ulaan and some rebels up ahead, slowly he approached them, they had taken cover behind a collection of crates. Enkindle was close.
To Be Continued...