Showing posts 2086 - 2100 of 15129

I need a hero...

Jan 23, 2012, 6:53pm by Locke

“I can't hold you all!” Seymour wheezed as the weight of six people stretched him. If it wasn't for the articficial legs, he'd have let go instantly, but his grip was slipping. H ...

The flooded engines

Jan 20, 2012, 2:20am by onion

“...if I do kill him: We’ve lose more than we could ever know. Neither option really appeals” “Oh, I don’t know” Seymour cackled “Those risks don’t sound all so bad! ...

Unpalatable options

Jan 16, 2012, 6:33pm by Locke

After some running, and a few flights of stairs they were at the entrance of Main Engineering control centre. Banks of computer terminals lined the room, and several doorways lead to ...

...Into the ...legs?

Jan 13, 2012, 3:42am by onion

Climbing was hard work, and the next time Whitewolf stopped to catch his breath, Seymour popped his head out of his mouth, hair all covered in mucus. “I say gentlemen, I've just had a thou ...

Out of the frying pan . . .

Jan 12, 2012, 11:39pm by Not Sure

A loud crash echoed distantly around the cargo bay, followed by an inhuman roar of triumph “Looks like they found that loose plate on the floor…” "That means we've ...


Jan 11, 2012, 7:55pm by Locke

“This is a tomb now…show what respect you can, but find us a way out of here….quickly…” Grimacing at her surroundings, Cass pulled the psi-scanner out of her ja ...

A grim discovery

Jan 11, 2012, 11:57am by BaronVonLongman

“I’ll take engineering” Cass volunteered “Although I’ve got to say I’m not mad keen on us all splitting up – I’ve seen too many teen slasher flicks to think that it ...

I don't mean to mess with your head, but...

Jan 9, 2012, 7:02pm by Locke

“You're right Cass, the huzards and the rodents, and whatever else is out there evolved here. To go back and change what happened would erase them from history, and that would be m ...

Jay's Epiphany

Jan 9, 2012, 7:48am by BaronVonLongman

Jay was a little taken aback by Cassandra's rant, but it did make him pause for thought. He mused for a few seconds before speaking. "You're right..." he said humbly "I...I'm sorry...I'd ...

Cassandra: Rant

Jan 8, 2012, 6:47pm by Locke

“Honestly” said Jay “I don’t give a smeg about being ‘in charge’. I just wanna get this ship back under our control so we can restore it, and get it back to our own time ...

White Wolf suggests a plan

Jan 8, 2012, 4:42pm by cmdrwhitewolf

Who: Davie, Cassandra, Seymour, Alfredo, Jay, Whitewolf & Alex Where: Mushy Peas HQ When: Sometime later “All I’m asking” he said eventually “Is that you guys help me ge ...


Jan 6, 2012, 11:14pm by Not Sure

Davie sat propped up against the wall, digging into a "fresh" can of peas as the others talked furiously about who should be in charge. He zoned them out, scooping up another mouth full. The ...


Jan 6, 2012, 9:53am by BaronVonLongman

Jay glanced around at the group he was with. A group of people he’d either never met, some he hardly knew, one was a hamster who he had presumed dead, and Seymour. Cass was right, he c ...

Mushy Pea HQ

Jan 5, 2012, 5:01pm by onion

Who: Davie, Cassandra, Seymour, Alfredo, Jay, Whitewolf & Alex Where: Mushy Peas HQ When: The morning after The survivors had spent the night in the cargobay, after taking several hours ...

Tisbot and mushy peas

Jan 5, 2012, 4:58pm by onion


Showing posts 2086 - 2100 of 15129