Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Alfredo Gomez

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler
White Wolf suggests a plan
Who: Davie, Cassandra, Seymour, Alfredo, Jay, Whitewolf & Alex
Where: Mushy Peas HQ
When: Sometime later
“All I’m asking” he said eventually “Is that you guys help me get back what we all lost, I don’t know how we’re gonna do that yet….but I’ll figure something out after all….. when have I ever steered any of you wrong?”
“well you did blow up the Earth…” Seymour chimed.
“Apart from that…”
[Snip off]
The rotund hamster slowly scratched behind an ear while thinking absentmindedly about Jay's suggestion - remembering how violent things got under Jay's command, particularly the times in the alternate universes upon the Periwinkle Dwarf, punctuated by various destruction in the Blue Dwarf Promenade every so often. Then he had a short flashback to a more a peaceful time on the Blue Dwarf in this universe.
{Flashback starts}
White Wolf scampers down the hallway, and Phil walks up to him and asks "Hey White Wolf, are you related to Kenny the farting hamster?"
White Wolf stops, and responds "Very funny Phil. Perhaps, you should come up with something new to say each time you get to this point in
the loop. How many times is this? Never mind. I got the stuff you requested," Opening his mouth and reaching in and retrieving out two
rather large zip locked bags from one of his cheek pouches, "Here's that *Glow in the Dark* Haddock you wanted, and here's the Time
Machine plans, remember to get me some of that Banana flavored taffy you promised me, Alright? And I *really* hope you remembered to give
the Captain laxatives this time around. So Smegg & I can retrieve your hard light bee from the Loo after Dr. Keto uses you to do an
emergency colonoscopy to the Captain on planet Beta Zed Four *before* you drop into the black water sewage reclamation system. That always
messes up your temporal physics programming again which causes you to substitute the time drive with a flux capacitor in the time machine
and starts another time loop somewhere down the line."
Phil merely stands a bit stunned as White Wolf starts to scamper away, pausing to call back to Phil, "Oh, don't forget to remind me
when to do Saddam's bi-temporal check up! Especially before his split personalities start including some women named Britney Spears and
Sarah Baskin. I don't want to go through those romances between Saddam and Niples again - I nearly puked myself to death the last time!"
{Flashback Ends}
He mentally shook his head as he recalled several of Phil's misguided time meddlings, particularly once in one of the alternate universes where he'd successfully transmuted all the humans onboard into stark raving Llama's which caused Jay to ram the ship into the Colbold Dwarf, blowing up six galaxies in the process! White Wolf thought about that incident some more, wondering why the STCP wasn't involved at that time and then wondered why they had recruited Jay in this universe.
The human sized hamster wrinkled his nose and twitched his whiskers as he considered whether Jay was totally oblivious to the fact the STCP may have been neutralizing him in this universe to sidestep yet another future "Time Flub Up" that he might be at the core of. The Large hamster covertly peered at Jay across the room, trying to decipher if there was any 'between the lines' meaning in his earlier words.
Then White Wolf glanced down at his lower paws while flicking some stray peas out of his fur and thought, |Well, who the heck am I to talk? I've lived billions of years and accidentally raised a whole bloody rodent civilization into time meddling myself! Oh, to heck with this wool gathering. First, we gotta deal with the situation at hand.|
The outsized hamster turned to the rest of the group and said, "Well Jay, I don't know about getting you back to what you all lost, but I do know we've got to take control of the place where that access card can be used before they do. I think the best way to do that with our limited man power is to get to & take over the engineering deck then try to use the ships systems against them. What do the rest you think of that?"