Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Alfredo Gomez

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler
Mushy Pea HQ
Posted byPosted: Jan 5, 2012, 5:01pm
Who: Davie, Cassandra, Seymour, Alfredo, Jay, Whitewolf & Alex
Where: Mushy Peas HQ
When: The morning after
The survivors had spent the night in the cargobay, after taking several hours to get into one tin of mushy peas, Gomez had got angry and accidentally pushed a tower of the tins, causing a tidal wave of mushy peas that meant they had to sleep off the ground.
Most of them wrapped themselves up in the tarpaulin, and Whitewolf curled up into a ball in the corner of the room. Seymour drank himself to sleep on the expensive and ancient wine and woke up the next morning feeling depressed.
“It's all rubbish!” He yelled, smashing a bottle and waking everyone else up. “3 million years in the future, everybody's dead...”
“We're not dead.” Jay said, quite positively.
“I mean everybody I like!” Seymour whined. “We never found the Red Dwarf, we never rescued my daughter... we're alone in deep space in the future.
From a platform above him, Whitewolf poured the contents of a tin of mushy peas over his head.
“Oh yes, very funny!” Seymour said sarcastically, but everyone else laughed.
“Wait, wait, shh!” Jay called to quiet everyone down, and pointed upwards. Walkways criss-crossed over all the cargo decks, including this one which had a bridge from one part of the ceiling to the other. A team of simulants marched through, chattering with enthusiasm about returning to the Simulant empire.
“They're leaving?” Seymour asked.
“So what's the plan Tisbot?” One of the Simulants above them asked. The booming voice of their leader answered. “Now we have the Main Access Key, we're in control of this ship. All I have to do is march up to the Drive-Room, and with this key, the defective AI will relinquish control of the ship to me.”
They walked off and out of earshot.
“They have the key!” Seymour said. “What shall we do?”
“I'm going to get it back.” Said Jay. “As Captain of this ship...”
“Wait wait wait... who put you in control?” Cass asked. “The Captain's still in stasis.”
Whitewolf then piped up. “I used to be Captain of this ship too. Why don't I have a say what we do?”
“I used to be Captain too, in fact I'm the Managing Director of the JM-”
“Shut up!” Everyone shouted at Seymour.
<Tag – What ARE we going to do, and who is in control? Is this the start of a big argument? Maybe WW has a better idea? Maybe we could have a big fight and split the group? Or maybe it clears the air and makes us a better team? Also this would be a good chance to write about how your character feels about being trapped 3 million years in the future - and maybe they can find some positives?>