Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Alfredo Gomez

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler
Posted byPosted: Jan 6, 2012, 9:53am
Jay glanced around at the group he was with. A group of people he’d either never met, some he hardly knew, one was a hamster who he had presumed dead, and Seymour.
Cass was right, he couldn’t expect to just walk in and take charge. But someone had to, and smeg, he was pretty damn qualified.
“Look” Jay said “I know most of you have no reason to listen to me, and, from my point of view it’s been 6 centuries since I was Captain, but when I was, I did a pretty good job of it and have 600 years of experience in exactly this kind of thing.”
“Listen!” said Seymour “ I was here before you ever joined the ship, and long after you jolly well buggered off and died! I was captain too, if anyone should be in charge, it should be me!”
“Really?” Jay asked “And what’s your plan?”
“You all protect me while I find a good hiding place!.,….it shouldn’t be too hard, I can fit into smaller places than ever before now….” He glanced down at his stumps as he said this.
“I could just pouch you all you know…” said White Wolf, shoving a rusting skutter carcass into his cheek pouch to illustrate his point. “Then you’d HAVE to listen to me…”
“Honestly” said Jay “I don’t give a smeg about being ‘in charge’. I just wanna get this ship back under our control so we can restore it, and get it back to our own time…” his mind drifted for a second as he thought about the last 600 years of his life. Everything he’d done, everything battle he’d fought for the STCP. That whole time, whether he was chasing down Jack the Ripper (who was actually an alien from the distant future, who Jay was sent to bring to justice), or following a failed businessman from the 39th century back to the 12th century, where he tried to get rich by replacing the Prince of England and stealing all the people’s money (Jay stole it back, and gave it to the people – who knew him as Robin Hood.), that whole time, he was just going through the motions, hoping for the chance where he could escape from the STCP’s control over him and get back what he had lost. Back to the Blue Dwarf, back to Katrina.
He’d finally achieved half of his goal, but it was this twisted, dystopian version of what he knew, and he wasn’t going to sit around here arguing when he could be going after the key, taking back the ship and figuring out a way to restore it to what he, and everyone he cared about, knew. He tightly clutched his wedding ring that hung around his neck as he thought of his late wife, and fought back the urge to shed a tear.
“All I’m asking” he said eventually “Is that you guys help me get back what we all lost, I don’t know how we’re gonna do that yet….but I’ll figure something out after all….. when have I ever steered any of you wrong?”
“well you did blow up the Earth…” Seymour chimed.
“Apart from that…”
<tag….maybe we should call a vote!>