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View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Pass the Ketchup............Please
Posted byPosted: Jan 20, 2013, 10:30pm
It was about then that C-deck's artificial grav decided to fail. Everyone lost their anchorage and began to lift from the floor.
Several floating GELFs took this as their chance to attack Chrysler. However, Jaxx saw this as his chance for dessert.
Since the GELFs decided to attack the crew again Jaxx yelled, "Looks like I'm gonna get my Pork On little piggys." Then Jaxx shoved his meal aside and engaged in Zero-Gee Mortal Combat mode as he jumped from a ceiling to a nearby pole then to a nearby GELF. Jaxx sunk his claw into the chest of the floating GELF to get a strong grip. The GELF tried to scream in horror, as she knew what was going to happen, but Jaxx shoved his gun into her mouth and shot her head off before she could scream. Jaxx took a quick nibble before he found his next targets. “Remember folks Pork the you love.” said Jaxx laughing manically.
While adjusting for a better position to shoot, Jaxx accidentally activated his audio library on his belt which suddenly a vintage song played loudly from his gauntlet. The song "Yummy Yummy Yummy", by Ohio Express blasted from Jaxx's audio system for all to hear. Surprisingly the acoustics were not to bad.
[Song “Yummy yummy yummy
I got love in my tummy
And I feel like loving you.”]
Then Jaxx rode the floating corpse as he began blasting the legs off the other GELFs not hiding behind the crew.
[Song “Love, you’re such a sweet thing,
Good enough to eat thing,
And that’s just what I’m gonna do.”]
Jaxx yelled at the GELFs, "This little piggy went to market." BOOM!
[Song “Ooh love, to hold ya
Ooh love, to kiss ya
Ooh love, I love it so.”]
“This little piggy stayed home.” BOOM!
[Song “Ooh love, you’re sweeter
Sweeter than sugar
Ooh love, I won’t let you go.”]
“This little piggy had no feet.” BOOM! BOOM!
[Song “Yummy yummy yummy
I got love in my tummy
And as silly as it may seem."]
“And this little piggy had no bum.” BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
[Song “The lovin that your giving
Is what keeps me livin”]
“And this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.” BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
Jaxx started to get into the groove of the song as he took another nibble.