Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Efof Yuwan'Kar

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Garr Bedge

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Nathan Steele

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
When: Before the worst of the rampant homoeroticism
Who: Cass / Katrina
Where: GELF encampment
“Mph” Cass jerked awake with a throbbing head and her long hair in disarray all around her
Her attempts to move her hands resulted in the discovery that her wrists had been uncomfortably bound behind her back, and seemingly secured with a short piece of rope to her similarly bound ankles, in what was, in all likelihood, a well-practiced Belhaphasarian bondage technique
Rolling over onto her side with a painful groan, Cass shook her hair from her eyes as best as she was able and groggily gazed around her surroundings, taking in Katrina who was also stirring and similarly bound, and the makeshift storeroom in which they appeared to have been deposited while they were unconscious
“Ah, good; you’re both awake”
The voice held little warmth and had to be raised to be heard above what Cass despondently took to be Max’s near hysterical cries, somewhere nearby
Craning her neck, she saw Zizhan, still wearing her form, standing nearby, next to the partition wall, and toying with a (frankly terrifying looking) ribbed and spiked, rubbery looking weapon of some description
“Aw, crap” she sighed
“I hope you think this was worth it?” Zizhan sneered “And all over what? Your unreasonable attachment to that worthless man-child!?”
“That’s my smegging son!” Katrina yelled in anguish, suddenly realising whose the cries were
“Yes” Zizhan chuckled, delicately tweaking one of her weapons rubber spikes “But not for very long; soon he’ll be a juicy and fragrantly seasoned kebab”
“I’ll smegging kill you!” Katrina roared, struggling violently against her bonds but to little effect
“Ah, just listen to his screams!” Zizhan continued, mockingly cupping a hand to her ear “Soon, I’ll go next door and I’ll put an end to those plaintive little cries forever - and you’ll be absolutely powerless to stop me!”
Katrina’s response to this was an unintelligible, animal howl of rage, but try as she might she was unable to break free of her bonds, the knots having been tied by the sort of kinky professionals who take pride in her work
“He’s terrified!” Zizhan laughed as Kat lapsed into sobs of frustration “I find the fear makes the meat taste so much better; perhaps I should force feed you some? – You never know, you might even find that you quite like it!”
“You smegging animal!” Cass hissed, just as, to everyone’s surprise, Jay suddenly smashed through the partition wall, colliding hard with Zizhan and knocking her unconscious
The two women spotted Jays bloodied, battered, scorched body laying there, complete with it's freshly burned hole through the centre of his chest. Katrina screamed in anguish, Cass was stunned into silence.
That was until Jay stood up, his wounds healing before their eyes.
“What?” he asked, innocently.
“What the...?” Cass was agog
“Jay!” Katrina yelled “Thank God! Help Max – he’s next door!”
“What the smeg just happened there?” Cass breathed in amazement as Jay darted next door to return moments later with the still tearful Max in his arms; the boy squirming down to run to his mother’s side as soon as he saw her
Crouching down to untie Katrina first, Jay shared a brief moment with his estranged wife and their son, before reluctantly turning to attend to Cassandra; her own helplessness and his near intimate proximity to her as he wordlessly loosened her bonds, making her quail inside
“Thanks” she murmured, standing as soon as she was able and moving away
“No - Thank you!” Katrina smiled, quickly crossing the room with Max on one arm to clumsily embrace her “You didn’t have to help but you did – Thanks for your support!”
Grimacing, Cass stiffened and quickly pulled away from the embrace, mindful of Jay’s eyes upon her
“I didn’t do anything” she protested
“You were ready to risk your life, that’s...”
“Look out!” Jay yelled, fumbling for his rifle as Zizhan suddenly reared up behind them wielding her huge rubber weapon; Cass and Katrina both jerking around in surprise, their expressions of shock turning almost immediately to horror as the GELF’s chest burst open as one of Unit One’s claws smashed through her ribcage in a shower of blood and gore
“Smeg’s sake” Cass sighed, dejectedly shaking her head at the blood spattering her, Katrina and the, once more, hysterically screaming Max
Unit one may well have just saved their lives, she reflected, but its behaviour was worryingly aberrant, and more to the point, Jay’s glare told her that he was less than impressed with the graphic demonstration of the efficiency of the drones
“Shush, shush, shush, shush” Kat soothed, jigging Max on her hip “There’s nothing to worry about honey – It’s just one of your Auntie Cassandra’s robots”
Sighing, Cass turned away; she shuddered to think how that was going to go down with Jay
Climbing through the smashed partition wall and down the crane gantry, the four of them made their way out of the GELF encampment, towards where the other members of the crew were (rather worryingly) frolicking around in various states of undress, each sporting a bizarrely glowing erection
Cass looked around at her male shipmates who were in various stages of undress and horseplay. They were roughhousing and they were-
“Why are they... glowing?” Cass frowned.
White Wolf twitched his whiskers quizzically, mid clean. “Long story.”
Jay rolled his eyes as a still very naked Phil slapped past, in pursuit of a giggling Efof
“Strewth” Cass’s eyes widened in shock at the sight of what a triple helix physiology afforded its owner “I... I don’t know where to look!”
This was of course something of a lie – She knew exactly where to look, although in many cases there were sights on display that Cass really didn’t want, or need to see; ‘Last turkey in the shop’ being a phrase that sprang to mind in several instances, and although Katrina didn’t seem even vaguely bothered, Cass really wasn’t sure if this was the sort of thing that Max needed to see, when even she was seriously considering a trip to the science labs to boot the memory eraser up
Jay tried calling order and getting everyone dressed and out of there, but some big military looking guy turned up, prompting another extraordinary bout of homo-erotic frolicking before, close to his losing patience, he tried again
“Oi! Enough! Everyone to the canteen, now. Including you two strangers. And someone bring Pancake. Roll him if you have to.”
But the GELFs had been creeping along the gantries and across the partition wreckage.
“Oh. I don't think so.” Jagara sneered. “I really don't think so.” She threw her head back and laughed wickedly. Phil coughed “Ehem. Cliché. Ehem.”
She shot him a vicious look. “Don't push your luck, seed-giver. Come on girls, it's dinner time!”
Hungering for man-flesh, the sex GELF’s swarmed down from above, prompting Roboshah to haul Seymour out of his wheelchair and throw herself down on top of him to protect him with her own body
Feebly protesting and labouring as he was under both Roboshah and the effects of the Philemone’s, to Cassandra’s eyes, Seymour looked like he was in hog-heaven, and it was only Katrina’s screams that shocked her from gawping at the car-crash of tangled flesh writhing down on the floor at her feet
Startled, she wheeled to see Max transforming in Katrina’s arms into a vile, twisted GELF parody of a child – a hideous porcine homunculus, whose cries almost exactly mimicked Max’s for the briefest of instants after she dropped the thing and before she stamped her boot heel through its skull
“Smeg...” Cass gasped, only to involuntarily shriek and cower down into a crouch, seconds later as the big military guy opened fire just behind her, killing a GELF, whom he then began to devour
This act of horror of course made both the crew and the other GELFS stop in their tracks. Suddenly Jaxx realized he was being watched and turned to look at the on lookers with food on his face. "WHAT?" ,said Jaxx, "Was I suppose to share?"
Unsure of quite where this smegging psycho had sprung from, Cass began quietly edging the hell away from him; her two drone units scuttling anxiously around her knees, as Jay tried to open negotiations with the equally horrified GELF’s
"We offered to help you. We wanted to drop you to a planet that you could live on, and we probably would have given you Phil's seed if you just asked." Jay began.
"Hey!" Phil interrupted
"But..." Jay continued, "you didn't take up our offer. Now we're giving you one final chance. We can handle things peacefully, or you can wish we handled things peacefully."
The GELFs stood quietly. The crew was silent and immobile, apart from one Justin Pancake, who tiptoed over and snatched Jacky's goggles as he slipped away, quietly.
It was about then that C-deck's artificial grav decided to fail. Everyone lost their anchorage and began to lift from the floor.
Several floating GELFs took this as their chance to attack Chrysler. However, Jaxx saw this as his chance for dessert.
Blood gouted everywhere, floating in huge globular clouds that shimmered, twitched and wetly collided, fouling everyone and everything with gore, as the bloodthirsty psychotic catapulted himself around the cargo bay, rending, biting and tearing his way through the rapidly diminishing number of panicking GELF’s, many of whom began transforming themselves into facsimiles’ of Katrina, Phi or Cassandra in a bid to confuse or escape Jaxx and his lust for flesh
Jay and Katrina with their STCP training had little problem in adjusting to the lack of gravity and quickly dispatched the attacking GELF’s with a series of brutally efficient moves, whereas the other members of the crew with their more basic levels of JMC training had varying degrees of success in avoiding the worst of the combat and bloodshed
Cass, on the other hand, with her complete lack of zero-G training, flailed wildly, catching hold of Unit One and desperately clinging to the drone’s metal carapace in an increasing panic as the GELF’s surrounding her started to transform and adopt her likeness
“Smegging help me!” she pleaded to anyone that would listen as Jaxx approached, indiscriminately blowing limbs off one GELF after another and spraying geysers of blood across her and the others sharing her likeness before the bloodthirsty MACO sailed past on his way up towards the top of the crane gantry
More by lucky chance than by good planning, Jaxx hit the gantry very close to a panicky looking Jagara who turned to flee but quickly fell beneath a vicious onslaught of teeth and claws as he fell upon her, tearing through her skin and bone as though it were nothing
“She’s dead!” Roboshah, still clinging to Seymour, suddenly cried, raising a ragged cheer from amongst the remaining GELF’s “Thank the God’s she’s dead!”
“What!?” Seymour snapped “What on earth are you on about!?”
Roboshah turned to him, her eyes shining
“She’s dead, my love!”
“Oh for heaven’s sake!”
“Jagara and Zizhan were evil and bitter old sow’s!” Roboshah explained “But as the most powerful and gifted telepaths amongst us, they’ve dominated our herd for years, forcing us both into war with the Dernhaphasar and the alliance with the evil Arachdok”
“We had no choice! We were their slaves” Roboshah continued “And now they’re no more - How can we ever thank you enough?”
Taking a deep, pensive breath, Seymour gazed silently around the cargo bay at the floating clouds of blood and the many limbless and headless corpses drifting aimlessly through the air
“How about we all pretend this never happened?”
Does anyone believe Roboshah?
How do we stop Jaxx?
Where did Max go to?
What happens next, and who’s up for a nice holiday?