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View character profile for: Justin Pancake

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View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

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View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Bring Me Sunshine
Posted byPosted: Jan 20, 2013, 6:54pm
The blood spurted, the newcomer dined and the crew goggled in alarm. The disgusting display did nothing for Alex's sickly come-down. All the while “Cindy Crawford” clung to him tightly. It was a confusing feeling, the simultaneous sensation of disgust and arousal, not to mention the side dish of a little fear. Alex was no coward and he'd seen a lot of stuff, bad stuff, but he felt kinda vulnerable without proper clothes, and the prominence of his convenient handle for anything dangerous to grab hold of wasn't helping matters. He shifted uncomfortably at the thought.
“Cindy” gripped his hand tightly, obviously unsure, and frightened at the newcomer's GELF gobbling ability. He instinctively gave her hand a squeeze in return, forgetting for just a moment that in her true form, her hands were in fact trotters. “Huh.” He let go and she shot him a hurt look. A hurt look? Cheeky cow... uh, pig. He looked at her perfect face, intending to give her a cold, steely glare of disapproval but she was too gorgeous, it was impossible. He looked away.
Jay was speaking now, giving the GELFs a choice. Alex urged his mind to concentrate but it was difficult when his body was wracked with all manner of throbbing. What with his wound, his head-thumping come-down, his weird Brittany sightings, the mind messing Phil-e-mone and his luminous love lever it was no wonder he was finding it hard to think straight. And worse than all that, perhaps the most disturbing of all, he'd not had a cigarette for over a week.
As Jay confronted the GELFs, Alex's attention was drawn by Pancake's cocoon which had begun to tremble. Something was now prodding the side of it, pushing outwards. He frowned. The bulging item broke through the membrane. Ah. It would seem that Pancake was currently in hard light form. Alex pulled a face, no amount of brain-addled arousal would ever make him enjoy, or forget, the sight of that. The Pancake pole retracted and a hand, then an arm, emerged. The hologram squeezed himself, struggling, through the opening and plopped silently to the deck, covered in slime, and utterly naked. Alex felt like he'd just witnessed a birth. A really disgusting one. There wasn't enough brain bleach in the multiverse...
He watched as Pancake slunk across the deck and stole the unconscious Jacky's goggles, unnoticed by the GELFs and most of the crew, who were rapt at the GELF-Chrysler exchange. What was he up to...
It was about then that C-deck's artificial grav decided to fail. Everyone lost their anchorage and began to lift from the floor.
Several floating GELFs took this as their chance to attack Chrysler. However, Jaxx saw this as his chance for dessert.
Alex floated free of Cindy Crawford's grasp and pushed off her head with his foot, propelling himself gently upwards towards one of the gantries. Everyone was floating about among the partition debris, a number of unsecured boxes, and the crane. As he watched the newcomer swoop elegantly through the air, munching GELFs like a great white, he shuddered – always a weird feeling in zero g – and once again found himself longing for a holiday. A real holiday, a proper holiday, not a holiday where you were drugged, held hostage and fed to within an inch of your life by sex pigs. Maybe there'd be sunshine... One of these days.
Phil floated past at speed. “Ahaha. I can see right up your gown.”