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View character profile for: Nathan Steele
Dazed and not knowing where he was Nathan stepped forward, not realizing that the stasis door hadn't opened fully. His head bounced off the door sending him to the floor. When he finally regained a sense of familiarity of where he was he looked up. Something was in the way of the door. He crawled to the crack in the door a support stand had fallen in front of the stasis pod. He pushed his hand out of the crack and slid the stand across the floor the best he could.
When the gap was finally big enough to get out of he stood up, still a bit shaky from the stasis pod. He looked around, most of the lights are out and there are wall panels missing from half the corridor. There were three stasis pods around his. Two of them were empty and the glass in the other one had fogged up.
Nathan shouted for the ships A.I. There wasn't a reply. He knew that if he could find out what deck he was one he could make his way to the drive room. There was a brighter light around the corner. Nathan decided to follow the light. He walked down corridor. He came to a door. It said floor 27 on top of it, engineering.
Nathan made it to one of the main cargo holds. The last thing Nathan could remember was people running from the cargo to the stasis pods. Something was wrong with the ship. As he was walking across one of the cargo bay floors he heard a noise from behind one of the cargo containers. As he got closer the noises became voices. He walked around the corner to see three people. One of them was piloting a crane, while the other two was giving him directions.
"Hey, you guys" Nathan shouted. The three men looked towards Nathan.
"Who are you?" one the men replied. He was sat in a wheelchair.
"My name is Nathan, I've just woken up from stasis."
At that exact moment one of the cables on the crane snapped. A steel rod swung around.
The man in the wheelchair shouted at the top of his voice, "DUCK!!"