Characters in this post

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Garr Bedge
Belhaphasaran hostage
Posted byPosted: Jan 17, 2013, 4:13am
Everything suddenly became arousing. The right feel of the bonds that were tying his hands together, and keeping him on the floor, arousing. The feel of the cold metal cargobay floor on his back, arousing. This wasn't bloody right.
Seymour tried to fight the erection for so long, thinking of incredibly unsexy things, like foi gras, although it turned out he found foi gras arousing. He thought of dusty antique cupboards, but it turned out he found those arousing too. Oil paintings of the battle of waterloo? Yep, arousing. It wasn't helping, and the glow in his trousers grew brighter, shining through his linen trousers like E.T's heart glowing in his chest.
Nearby, Phil was hanging naked, his glowing erection casting a colourful glow around the entire room. Even the sickening sight of Phil's naked body was arousing. Seymour started to hate himself.
Seymour turned his head to see Gar Bedge break his bonds, flexing his muscles and snapping them easily. Displays of masculine strength hadn't aroused him before, but now they did nothing to quell the stiffening. Bedge stomped over and broke the goo that was holding Seymour the the ground, picking him up easily and manhandling him back into his wheelchair. Even the roughness of Bedg'es touch continued to arouse the Ambassador, who was sweating with embarrassment.
“I... urm... thankyou kindly Mister Bedge.” He said, then glanced down at his trouser lump, hoping Bedge didn't think it was for him. Trying to change the subject, Seymour nervously said “Let's forget all that business about getting you locked up shall we?”
A commotion a few meters away caused them both to turn and watch the confrontation between one of the Belhaphasarans and a new woman whom Seymour had heard the others call Candice. She was a well dressed Humanoid, with striking features and an air of pompous arrogance about her. Seymour thought they might get on quite well.
Cassandra's drone robots responded to the perceived threat to what they thought was their mistress by closing the short distance between ‘Cass’ and Candice with frightening speed and leaping up onto her to bear her down to the ground and tear her apart in a sickeningly brief orgy of violence
"Well..." 'Cassandra' smirked down at Candice's twitching remains in the stunned silence that followed "Does anyone else feel lucky?"
<end snip>
Turning away in disgust from the frightful display of violence, Seymour again felt disturbed. Even bloody violence was arousing him. This felt sick.
The GELF woman/pig thing sized up the rest of the crew, pointing a mining pistol from person to person. “Get back, all of you.” The drone robots floated around, seeming to realise after a few moments that the GELF wasn't actually their mistress after all, and landing on a nearby cargo container where they turned themselves to standby mode.
The glowing erections were clearly a distraction to the Belhaphasaran, who was sweating and licking her lips. She started to step backwards towards the exit, probably to find another of her kind to tie them all back up again. But she stumbled over Bedge's huge boot, who was stood behind her. Without a single expression he brought his strong first down onto her head, caving it in and leaving her paralysed. She fell to her back and her trotters shook in the air for a few seconds before she went still and died.
“Jolly good show Mister Bedge” Said Seymour, then again started to feel self conscious about his erection. “I just want to let you know, and make it absolutely clear, that It's not your bravado that is keeping me aroused. Although I appreciate it, I am not turned on by displays of brute force or masculine dominance of any kind.”
Bedge didn't reply making Seymour sweat further.
The awkward moment was broken by a voice shouting at them from above. Two storeys above them in the tall empty cargo bay was a metal walkway around the perimeter of the room. That was where Jagara, the Belhaphasarans leader stood, with Roboshah next to her.
“It doesn't have to be like this gentlemen” Said Jagara, her voice echoing around the cargobay. “We only want the seed of your GELF.”
“Oh is that all?” Said Phil. “Just give me a minute.”
“MR FEBUGGURE! Don't do that here!” Seymour snapped, looking away from Phil in disgust.
“A sample won't do.” Jagara shouted down at them. “We need the source. We're the last generation and we want to breed. Hand him over to us.”
“Or what?” Shouted Jay.
Seymour sighed. “Why did you have to go and say that?”
“Or... or...” Jagara looked around the gantry for something to threaten them with. Her gaze fixed on Roboshah, whose careless smile turned to fear. “Remember Roboshah Seymour? ...Or should I say 'Shelly'?”
Shelly squealed, and cried out Seymour's name.
“You had to say it didn't you.” Seymour directed an angry glare at Jay.
“Seymour... Seymour, I love you!” Said Shelly.
Seymour buried his face into his hands. The truth was he didn't care about Shelly. He felt embarrassed that he allowed her to fall for him. It just wouldn't work. He was a high flying Royal Ambassador, and the managing director of a defunct mining organisation. She was a sex worker that looked like a pig.
“Sorry Ms Roboshah.” Seymour said pathetically. Then he looked at Phil, weighing up the options. He edged his wheelchair closer to the group. “I know it feels wrong to say, but shall we just hand Mr Febuggure over anyway? I'm not sure how long the air purifiers can withstand his bloody flatulence. They only had a 10 year warranty.”
Everyone looked at Phil. He stood there naked and shivering, jumping up and down to keep himself warm, making a distracting slapping sound.
It was tempting, but the distasteful glares back at him said it all.
“Okay, jolly well. How about plan B? We use that crane over there to get up to Ms Jagara, and rescue Shelly? I don't fancy her, but the poor old girl doesn't deserve to die.”
He pointed to a yellow crane used mostly to move cargo containers around the bay. Seymour caused a distraction by keeping Jagara talking whilst Alex snook over to the crane's cockpit, and started it up. It creaked, as hadn't been used in 3 million years, but in a short amount of time he was swinging the crane around towards them, which was holding a large wooden palette and a selection of pipes. “Get on!” He said, dropping the platform near them.
Controlling a crane was a difficult task, and required absolute concentration.
That was when someone new entered the cargo bay. “Hey you guys!” Shouted the man.
“Who are you?” Seymour snapped.
"My name is Nathan, I've just woken up from stasis."
At that exact moment one of the cables on the crane snapped. A steel rod swung around.
The man in the wheelchair shouted at the top of his voice, "DUCK!!"
OOC – I thought I'd work in Nathan's post too, because it didn't make much sense on its own. Shall we rescue Shelly? Is Jagara bluffing?