Characters in this post

View character profile for: Dakota Delphi/ candy

View character profile for: Killien Delphi

View character profile for: Weston Delphi

View character profile for: Travis groves

View character profile for: James coe

View character profile for: Aaliyah jones
Not a booty call/crazy ex
James with his feet kicked up on the coffee table. The baby was asleep in his playpen and Lillian was flopped over his lap so that his head hung over one side and his feet the other, he rested his hand on the boys back, patting him every now and then. the tv glowing in the dark room was muted with subtitles on. Not that he needed them he could tell how the fight was going and that he was going to have to pay the boss man 20 bucks.
He checked his phone again. Dakota usually let him know she made it home when she got off and asked him to send her pics of the boys sleeping. She hadn’t tonight and that was weird. Maybe it was a late night. He reminded his self they were not together and that she was allowed not to text him. He had to keep from groaning out loud when his guy was wrapped up into a choke hold. He was going to tap. James could tell.
Just as the fighters finished a loud pounding sounded on the door vibrating the walls and making James dog come running from the bedroom barking the whole way. The pounding came again sounding a lot like swat and Killeen shifted on his lap. Cursing under his breath he softly moved the boy off him and onto the couch. The pounding sounded again even as he was unlocking the door. He hushed the barking dog and cracked the door using his leg and hip to block the protective massive from bulging out of it.
“ do you know where the fuck that bitch is right now!?” He yelled as soon as he saw james. James cursed again and pushed the dog farther back. Stepping onto the porch he closed the door behind him. “ what the hell are you doing at my house? And banging on my door like the damn cops? I got kids sleeping in there man. Your not even sup to be here Travis.” He said harshly walking the other man back as he spoke. “Exactly you got our kids whiles she’s out hoeing around with every new fuck boy that walks into this town!” He yelled. Explains why she didn’t text James thought but to Travis he just shook his head “ I don’t give a fuck man.” Travis was clearly drunk and also looked like he might be wired on something. James didn’t care really. He might have to work with the guy now but they were not friends and he was not supposed to be coming around his place. Not after all the crazy shit he pulled when James and Dakota were dating. “ you don’t care?!” Travis yelled. By this time James had walked him to his truck and Travis opened the door. “ I thought of all people you would understand! I thought you would be on my side!” James just shrugged. “ you thought wrong. Now get the hell off my property before plant one between your eyes and then call the cops and tell them I killed a nut case.” He said this as he rested his hand on the gun on his hip that he carried at all times. Travis roared in frustration and slammed the door to his truck before peeling out.
Once back in the house James loved the boys to their beds before plopping back down on the couch with a sigh. He wondered who her date was and if he would be as crazy as the last. Another knock sounded on the door and he slung it open “ look mother fucker I said fuck off!!…” he bellowed in the face of the wrong person.