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View character profile for: Colt Westerly

View character profile for: Piritta Mirja Toivonen
Our Favorite Finn (Pt 7)
“Why are you taking your damn pants off?!” Colt blurted in horror. “And I don't know. Thrane probably sold it off after getting a hold of me.”
“The seat feels nice.” Piritta thought it made perfect sense. “Thrane sounds like a kusipää.”
“I couldn’t agree more, honestly.” Colt told her as he put the car into gear and drove them close to the other car that Piritta had abandoned. “Lets grab our stuff, toss it in here, and get going.”
“Why aren’t you driving naked?” Piritta asked, hopping out of the Mustang to grab the stuff from the prior car.
Putting the car into park, he got out and followed. “Because I prefer to be dressed while in public,” Colt answered as he helped grab everything. “Just because I am fit doesn’t mean I’m…as confident about it as you are.”
“Roads aren't public.” Piritta said and frowned. “That's too bad, isn't that shirt hot?”
“I’m fine,” Colt muttered. Yes, he was hot and the shirt was an itchy annoyance, but he felt self-conscious in front of the most beautiful woman in the world.
Piritta sighed. “Your meta powers gave you a weird mutant navel?” Piritta asked.
“The fuck? No!” Colt blinked, confused as he shoved everything into the backseat of the car. With an annoyed sigh, he finally pulled off the shirt and tossed it into the car before getting back into the driver’s seat. His muscled body was on display now. “Happy?”
“Very nice.” Piritta said approvingly, checking Colt out for any mutations.
The only mutations Colt had were his cat ears and tail.
Piritta decided that Colt was easy enough on the eyes, even if he didn't have any freaky mutations.
Colt glanced at Piritta as he kept driving, being careful to follow the driving laws. “What?” He asked, realizing she was watching him.
“I’m just enjoying the view.” Piritta shrugged.
Colt couldn’t stop his cheeks from flushing as he focused on the road. “Oh…” He murmured.
“Hei, your nipples aren't blushing with you- shouldn't you have six instead of just two?” Piritta asked.
“I’m not completely a cat,” Colt replied as he went around a slow car and took a ramp to get onto a backroad. “I have cat DNA, but I’m not…a cat.” He shrugged and kept driving.
“If I scratch your back will your tail go up?” Piritta reached towards Colt.
“Don’t distract me while I’m driving. Keep your hands to yourself.” Colt warned with a very cat-like growl.
Piritta frowned, withdrawing her hand from Mr Grumpy. “How comfortable is it to sit with a tail?”
“It’s okay if you’re used to it. I am, but it can be uncomfortable at times,” Colt admitted as he glanced toward Piritta, admiring her body for a moment. He almost veered off the road and had to clear his throat as he corrected the vehicle. “Like any cat, though, it hurts if it’s stepped on or whatever. I know growing up it took forever for me to get used to…”
“Distracted?” Piritta asked innocently, not missing how Colt drove.
“W-well, I mean…” Colt’s face flushed. “You’re practically naked. In my car…and…uhm…” How could explain this?
Piritta looked at Colt. “Is your tail making you uncomfortable?”
“No,” Colt said honestly as he finally pulled the car over and looked toward Piritta. His shockingly blue eyes glanced toward her breasts and he cleared his throat. “You’re a very beautiful woman, Piritta…it’s hard not to notice.” God, why did that word sound terrible?!