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View character profile for: Gelf

View character profile for: Sorley Millward
Boy Meets Girl (Pt. 1)
Despite the black eye and other marks from fighting, Sorley was a handsome young man. A swimmer’s build, the jeans and orange t-shirt he wore were very flattering to his figure, thick black hair, blue eyes. Unfortunately after his upbringing Sorley did not feel good looking and was very suspicious of anyone suggesting he was.
Sorley had just cashed his entire McDonald’s paycheck at the bank so his wallet was quite swollen in his back pocket. He was headed for the arcade, hoping to pick a fight with some old sleezebucket.
Pink hair fluttered as she teleported into the alleyway, blue eyes locking onto targets for her five finger discount. Gelf had her tail and ears thoroughly hidden from sight with a had and an oversized jacket as she spotted the handsome young man walking down along the sidewalk.
With a small smirk, she made her way between other pedestrians, all oblivious to her hands sliding wallets from their pockets. She shoved them all in the small backpack she carried, but when she reached the handsome young man, a part of her almost felt compelled to let him go on his way without the theft.
Her hand went for his pockets, silky smooth as she began to slide it from him…
Sorley was mentally preparing for a fight. He always seemed to find some predator around the arcade. His mind was in a dark place so when the pickpocket went after his wallet he was not thinking he was being stolen money from, he was just aware of someone being too close to his ass and remembering when he was too small and weak to fight back. Without warning Sorley spun around, fist flying at the face of whoever touched him.
Gelf, seeing the fist, teleported quickly and was behind Sorley again. “It’s rude to hit a girl, you know, cutie.” She teased.
Sorley dropped his fist and spun around again to face the girl. He was so distressed at having almost clobbered a girl that it barely registered that she had teleported and had to be a meta like him.
“I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were a girl!” Besides incredibly guilty he felt like an idiot for ever thinking she was a man. She was the most perfectly beautiful woman Sorley had ever seen. Those eyes, that face, Sorley tried to not think about her perfect chest. “I’m sorry!” He could not stop apologizing.
Gelf tilted her head to the side, a hand going to up keep her hat from falling off. “I can forgive someone so handsome as you.” She replied with a smile and poked his chest gently. “Where you headed so late? An arcade? A bar?” Before she could say another word, though, her stomach grumbled audibly.
“An arcade.” Sorley admitted, blushing. He heard her stomach grumble and noticed that she looked really hungry. “Can I get you something to eat?” Sorley's blush deepened when he realized that he must sound like he was asking her out on a date or trying to pick her up. She was way out of his league. “Not like - I owe you for almost hitting you!”
“Where would you suggest eating?” Gelf asked, completely dismissing the worry he might have over hitting her. “I haven’t eaten all day and tele - er, I mean running around all day has really drained me.” She wasn’t sure if he had realized she was a meta or if he was one. A part of her knew she’d be safe with this sweet guy, but she had to be careful.
“Wherever you want to go.” Sorley offered without hesitation.
“I’m new to this area, so I’ll let you choose.” Gelf told him, glancing at the people as they veered around the pair. It was starting to get dark and people were beginning to show up for the night time activities and joys.
McDonald’s was only a block away but Sorley thought this girl was too good for fast food. Sorley named the best restaurant within walking distance. Sorley had never eaten at it, one meal would cost half his paycheck, but he had only heard good things about the place.
“Anything cheaper?” Gelf asked as she took Sorley’s hand in a gentle grasp. “I’m not a rich girl.”
The girl taking his hand caught Sorley's breath and he stared at her hand. The last time anyone had touched him had been the fight that gave him the black eye. It had been years since the last time he had been touched like that. Not since his foster sister Fawne and she had died over six years ago. Sorley blinked away tears and turned his eyes back to the ground. He was aware of his knuckles roughened by fighting. “I'm buying.” He said, then realized that girls were often pressured into doing things they didn't want to by guys spending money on them and making the girls feel like they owed them. “I owe you!” Sorley said quickly.
Gelf blinked and tilted her head to the side. Thankfully, her hat stayed on easily. “I don’t think you owe me anything. The name is Gelf, by the way.” She giggled softly. “I know, odd name, but it’s what I was given when I was born.” Shrugging, she squeezed his hand gently and let go. “Come on, lets find a fast food place. I want something like a burger, fries, and maybe a milkshake! Do you like milkshakes? I love McDonalds milkshakes! Oops, I’m gushing! Sorry!”
“I’m Sorley Millward.” Sorley thought Gelf was the perfect name. He felt strangely empty when she released his hand, and selfish for feeling anything at all. “Are you sure you want McDonalds? There are better restaurants.” He still felt like he owed her. He could have seriously injured her if she had not… had not teleported.
“I’m perfectly fine with McDonalds!” Gelf smiled, the smile reaching her eyes and seeming to make the blue shine in them. “So, where is one? I’m still learning this city. I just moved into a cheap-o apartment nearby.”
Sorley got lost in her eyes for a moment before regaining himself. He blushed. “There’s a McDonald’s a block away… but I really can get you something better.” This woman was like a goddess, a goddess eating fast food? Even worse, it was the one he worked at and he knew from experience what terrible things happened there.
“Yeah, I’m happy with McDonalds.” Gelf smiled at him and took his hand again, leading the way. She almost took the wrong turn, but noticed the sign and went for it.
Sorley stared at Gelf’s hand, enjoying the feel of it in his own hand, wishing he could feel like this forever. As they neared the McDonald’s he looked up. “I, er, work at this McDonald’s.” He admitted.
“So?” Gelf looked confused by this information. “Shouldn’t stop you from getting food, right?”
“We can get food. Just…” Sorley did not know how to explain without disappointing her. He hoped his coworkers would be respectful for a change. He took a deep breath and opened the door. The teenager at the register stared directly at Gelf’s chest.