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View character profile for: Dr. Chi

View character profile for: Taweret

View character profile for: Jasper Valentra
Whisper, A Healthy Little Girl
By the time he returned, he was holding a tray of multiple things that the cooks suggested for new mothers that were breast feeding. They wanted her to feel as strong and healthy as possible. He’d gotten the water, too, but he was still shocked at how nice people were here.
Taw had finished feeding Whisper and was rocking her to sleep when Jasper returned, she looked up at him and smiled.
“They offered a lot of different things, so I just brought it to see what you’d like..” Jasper admitted with a smile as he set the tray down on the table by them. Having a room this big was odd, especially since they got to actually keep the door open. In Amihan, he’d never been allowed to leave his door open.
“Whoah.” Taw was amazed by how much food there was. She set Whisper down in her crib. “It all looks good.”
“I know, right?” Jasper was just as shocked.
“You’re eating some of this, right?” Taw asked.
“Yeah, I just…I didn’t know what all to get, so I kind of got a bit of everything.” Jasper admitted. There was a lot he had never seen before.
“It’s great.” Taw said, picking up a fork and trying some.
Finding what looks to be a soup of some kind, Jasper tried it and was surprised at how good it was. “I never knew food could taste so nice.” He said in shock.
Taw did, being a high level meta and Duuk’s mate had access to the best food. She smiled slightly, glad that Jasper was getting to enjoy it now.
Jasper looked at some of the food and actually had to ask Taw what a few things were, his face flushed since he had no clue about some things. It was a bit embarrassing for him.
Taw was happy to teach Jasper, he had done so much for her.
“Thank you,” He said after understanding the food better. “It’s still so odd. The people here are kind.”
“They seem kind. I hope Nilima is doing okay.” Taw said. “You don’t think they do Conversions here, do you?”
“As far as I’m aware, they don’t.” Jasper said before there was a knock at the door. Looking, he saw Dr. Chi and a woman standing there. “Hello?”
“Hello,” Dr Chi said and had to turn his head to look at them. “I am Dr. Chi, the therapist here. I brought my wife, Nurse, who is the head medic here, to check on your child. She wants to do a simple examination to make sure the child is healthy.”
“I do it for all the newborns,” Nurse said with a kind smile.
“That’s up to Taw,” Jasper said to make things clear.
Taw looked at the two. They looked kind and trustworthy. She nodded.
Nurse simply stepped into the room and gently took Whisper’s vitals without even having to wake her. “Such a cutie pie. We’ll be sure to get you all some clothes and more blankets.” She said, happy with what she was seeing.
Dr. Chi stayed by the door, not wishing to intrude.
“Thank you.” Taw said to Nurse.
“It’s my pleasure,” Nurse said, always happy to help. “If you need anything, just call with this button.” She said, tapping a small panel on the wall in their room. “We take care of each other in this place.”
“Thank you,” Jasper said as they left.
“They’re really nice.” Taw said to Jasper.
“They really are.” Jasper said. “I think they have rules here, but it seems as long as everyone is civil to each other they’re welcome to stay. Looks like some live and work here, like those two.”
“I really like it here so far.” Taw said. It was the longest she had gone without getting raped since becoming Duuk’s mate. And everyone has been kind.
“If it stays this way, I might try to find a job here.” Jasper said, liking the idea of being able to help out. And it would be by choice!
“Me too.” Taw said, reaching down to gently stroke Whisper’s cheek.
Jasper couldn’t help but enjoy watching Taw and Whisper as he slowly ate a little of the food. He couldn’t eat much of it since he had been so limited in Amihan, but with the proper time and patience, he would be able to get back to a healthy and strong weight. He’d finally build muscle and train to be able to properly protect Taw. Maybe they both would learn to protect themselves.
Taw looked up and saw that Jasper was watching her. She blushed faintly.
Jasper blushed as well and cleared his throat. “I…uh…sorry.” He sipped some water as a lizard girl arrived and set down clothes and a few blankets.
“These are for you all,” The girl said as her tongue unwillingly flicked out.
“Thank you.” Taw said, glad for a distraction from Jasper’s embarrassment.
“Is there anything else you need?” She asked, looking between them.
“Uh…” Jasper glanced at the beds and dressers and such and shook his head. “I don’t need anything. Taw?”
“Maybe some extra diapers for Whisper, but I think we have everything we need here.” Taw said.
The lizard girl nodded. “Of course!” She said and scuttled off. “So cute” could be heard trailing behind her.
Jasper chuckled. “They all think Whisper is adorable, I see.”
“She is adorable.” Taw said. She smiled and sat down.
Jasper moved the tray of foods aside since they were done eating for now. He put the lids back on everything so it wouldn’t go bad. “I’ll be sure to get that back to the cafeteria later.” He said. “It’s going to take a while to get used to this place. It’s…huge.”
“Yeah?” Taw asked. She had not seen much of the Underground yet, mostly just where they came in to the nursery.
“It took me so long to get back because I had to ask for directions a few times.” Jasper admitted.
“Oh, wow.” Taw said. “It’s going to take a while to get used to this place.”
“Yeah,” Jasper replied before recalling something. Pulling a paper from his pocket, he set it down on the table and spread it out a bit. “One of them gave me this map. Looks like the place is set up like a huge hotel…at least that’s what they told me.”
“I’ve never been to a hotel.” Taw said. This was the first time she had left the Amihan compound.
“Neither have I,” He replied with a chuckle and smiled. “I hope we can learn a lot of stuff now that we’re free.”
“Yeah.” Taw smiled sleepily. “I’m looking forward to seeing how the world really is on the outside.”
Jasper would stay with Taw and Whisper through the night, taking naps between helping care for the child.
He just hoped this freedom would last.