In Amihan

Female baselines that could not reproduce were basically slaves in Amihan. They were barely fed enough to be kept alive, worked like dogs, and of course the male Amihan metas got to do whatever they wanted to them. Considering the other inhumane things done to them, being called on to clean would be a relief.

The cranky old woman who was in charge of the useless baseline women shoved some clean sheets and cleaning supplies into Seele’s arms. “Taweret gave birth, you’re cleaning up after her.”

Seele has grown mute over the past month and gave the woman a simple nod. She never complained about cleaning up and always did the best when it came to said cleaning. Some might say she was the cranky old woman’s favorite due to her lack of complaint and cleaning abilities.

She went to Taweret’s room with the supplies, her hair held back in a low ponytail since it had grown out. She was miserable, but at least when she was cleaning up after the women she wasn't being abused by the men.

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