The Pilot

“Fuck me.”

Sawney Loughty was still in the restroom cringing and shaking as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. His hands gripped the sink tightly and his knuckles had gone white. The water was running, but it was one of those annoying conservation models which would only allow a certain flow for a short period of time before one had to press it again.

In between presses he would dip his head down to drink and try and get it on his face to help with the throbbing headache. The water was awful, metallic and distasteful, but simultaneously helping.

Moments before his first swig, he had downed one of his self medicated pills retrieved from his locker. Now he was trying his best not to throw it up and let it do it’s job. Cheap cryo sleep was the worst. Aside from the normal issues of dehydration, hunger pain, fatigue and muscle cramping, it was an extended period of time without those damn addicting pills. Once awake the body always let him know that it was experiencing withdrawal.

He wiped the sweat from his brow as another fit of groans erupted along with a lurching nausea in his gut. His fist pounded the wall as he was trying to keep it together.

“Fuuuuuck!” He shouted and quickly clenched his teeth.

Sawney spit into the sink because his palette was overwhelmed with an acidic iron taste of bile and rust. To make matters worse, his bowels suddenly shifted and he had to sprint to the toilet.

Fifteen minutes later he emerged from the locked restroom, dressed and looked well enough; save the usual post cryo sleep symptoms. He entered the galley with an air of confidence and overt charisma.

“It’s good to be back! I was missing you all something fierce. Not you Cap, I saw too much of your disappointing gaze in my dreams already.” Sawney’s voice had a slight Scottish ring to it and seemed mischievously playful, like he didn’t take much seriously at all.

She glanced over when she heard Sawney emerge from the restroom, his usual swagger and banter returning despite the rough cryo-wake. Miller couldn't help but smirk at his playful jab.

"Mornin’, sunshine. So…you manage to disappoint me even in your sleep, huh?," she shot back with a mischievous tone before giving him a wink.

She let the comment hang in the air, knowing full well trust it could be taken a few different ways. Then she leaned back in her chair, stirring what was left of her porridge.

"I know right? I am just that good. I think its because you didn't like it hard and fast." Sawney jested back with a wink of his own. Then he stretched his arms upwards and then went on the hunt for something to eat. He settled on a ration pack, mainly because the options to pick from weren't great.

Captain Miller nearly choked on her spoonful of gruel, letting out a sharp, genuine laugh that echoed in the small galley, “Ha!”

Sawney’s quick wit always hit the mark, and today was no exception. Still grinning, she rose from her seat and casually walked over to him. Without missing a beat, she reached down, pinching a random bite from his ration pack between her fingers, and popped it into her mouth. She chewed slowly, meeting his gaze with raised eyebrows.
“Don’tcha just wish you could find out, flyboy?”, she said with a teasing smirk. "Grab somethin’ to eat before you collapse,” She ordered in a mock-serious tone, though she knew of (or rather suspected) his stimulant problem.

She’d have to have a talk with him about that. Her brother had seen combat in the Colonial Marines and got himself addicted to some X Drugs that took him to hell and back. He was finally sober now, but it took a long and hard rehabilitation period.

"Ugh, gross..." Rye gestured to Miller and Sawney with his hand, smiling a little even through the sarcasm.

"Anyone heard about the Bionational layoffs? Half their RnD team just got axed, wonder what that's about." Wilson yawned audibly.

"What else? The suits above them want more money to hoard away. That's all that makes the galaxy turn. The fervent need to have more than other people." Rye finished up and stood up.

Miller responded to Wilson’s rumors about Lasalle Bionational, “Y'know. Cut the people doin' the real work, and sit pretty in a cushy office? Just be glad we’re not workin' for 'em.”

"Man, I can't wait till we do something big enough to bring in some real money. If space doesn't kills us, this food eventually will." Sawney wasn't directing his comments at anyone in particular, but it was obvious it was broadcasted for all to hear.

He pulled out a seat and flipped it around and took a seat, resting his upper body on the back of the chair.

Miller's tone softened slightly as she addressed the group. "We’ll be off this bucket of bolts soon enough. Let’s just make sure everything's in order before we get there. Anyone seen Cham?” she pondered aloud.

"Nah I haven't, probably hasn't managed to get up yet," Wilson replied."

"Alright, let's get at it then..." Rye was moreso talking to himself as he left the galley to do as Miller asked earlier. "If you need me, I'll be as far away from that as possible."

Captain Miller turned the opposite way to go find the crew’s cargo handler who hadn’t showed up yet.

< Prev : The Company Guy Next > : The Cargo Handler