Docking at Osiris 6

Unless there was a problem Lisara had little to do in between stops beyond arranging more cargo to be delivered, ordering supplies and provisions, etc. She found a high-paying job that was going to be extremely messy. She also doubled the food ration order she normally makes.

Mamma announced over the intercom. "We will be docking with the Osiris 6 space station shortly, the switch over to autodocking procedures will cause minor jarring. Autodocking in 3...2...1..." The minor jarring caused one of the largest crates to come loose and slam into the cargo bay door leaving a sizable dent. "Autodocking procedures completed."

The control tower employee for Osiris 6 began talking to crew of the Big Mamma. "Welcome to Osiris 6." He said very cheerfully. "Follow the rules." He said very sternly.

Once docking was complete Lisara rushed to the cargo bay. "Sloffing crap!" She pulled out a communicator from her a pocket a small palm-sized cylinder. "Bob could you please come to the cargo bay? Maybe bring your muscular friend with you." She then began speaking to everyone. "We will be at Osiris 6 for two days maximum. Be back on the ship in exactly 50 hours. During that time you are free to do as you please. If you get arrested that's on you to figure out. The Osirins don't play around. I will be turning off my communicator." And her communicator was now off.

Lisara then began opening the door crossing her fingers that door opened properly. She breathed a sigh of relief. The owner of the cargo was waiting for them. "Right on time. That's what I like about you Lisara." Lisara sauntered up to him. "Is that the only thing you like about me?" He began tracing the outline of her left ear. "There is so much I like about you." His other hand drifted to her backside and pulled her in close. "Going to be here long?" She kissed him. "Just a day or two. Waiting on a shipment from the planet. Real messy one." He seemed surprised. "You said you never haul those filthy disgusting animals again." She gagged. "Need the money." He kissed her more passionately. "You could finally accept my proposal and live off my income." Lisara looked away. "I can't do that. You know that." He sighed. "I know. I wish I could see you more often." She kissed him. "Enough talk. Go put something pretty on and I'll meet you once I am done here. Shouldn't be too long." She turned him around and smacked him on the ass.

As the two spoke and made out several robots began unloading the cargo.

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