The Nomad's Lucky Day

I activated my image processing visor, and to my surprise, looking straight at me was something that was far too humanoid to be the wildlife. I was shocked; I darted back quickly. It's face was covered in a device that resembled a respirator mask. Was I dreaming? Was I allowed to dream? "Don't hurt me," I said to it.

The humanoid was around six feet tall, lanky, and covered in sand-stained rags. "So the machine is fully working," the humanoid replied. It's voice was as electronic and processed as my own.

"What's a piece of tech like you doing out in a place like this?"

"I'm lost," I replied. I stood up, trying to strike fear into the heart of this character. That was my original process after all—to terrify the enemy. The humanoid didn't even flinch. "You are not afraid of me?"

"I've met plenty of robots during my lifetime. You're no different." As it finished the sentence, it prodded my torso with a long metal staff. "You ain't junk. That's a surprise, especially for this world."

I don't know what to do—should I be happy that I have been found or should I worry that I am going to be stripped of all my identity? Repurposed by some desert wanderer. "If you threaten me, I will be required to use lethal force. I am required by interplanetary law to notify you of this."

It started to laugh at me; it was as if everything was a joke to them. "You military bots are all the same."

"I'm no ordinary military robot; I am special. I have a purpose," I explain. The laughing does not stop.

"What purpose is that? To sit out here and bake under that star?" It uses it's staff to point at the sun. "You're trying to get off this world, aren't you?"

How did it know that? Was it because I said I was lost? I don't even reply; I just tilt my head slightly. I know it is a custom of some sentient species to indicate they are confused.

"You were sleep talking. Got to say it's not common to see a machine do that. You were doing it a lot too; you must really want off this rock."

"You are correct," I reply. I wasn't even aware that I sleep talked; I did not know it was an aspect of my personality. I look up to face the stranger again. "What is your name?"

"Call me Ordos."

"I am Cronus, I am grateful you have found me, Ordos." I think for a moment what to ask next. "Now how do you propose we get off this rock?"

The humanoid Ordos started to laugh again. "The same way I get around anyway—hitchhiking!" 


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