Name Exchange!

Seeing the posture, Stella almost felt she should prove she was unafraid, but such tactics had gotten her in trouble before. Each person she met was so different from the previous one that she always worried she would do something to offend. The last person, the one she'd met months ago, had attempted to steal her food and clothing.

That person had run off with their metaphorical tail between their legs when she'd gotten her revenge. It had been quite a comical situation to look back on.

"St...stee...stoo..." Sighing heavily, she dug into her bag and pulled out a piece of cloth with her name sewn into it. Stella was what had been stitched into place and she prayed this woman could read it. This was the only thing she had from her mother and one of the few words she could read in her mind, but never get out properly in verbal form.

Words, it seemed, were a difficult task for Stella.

"What...what you...uh..." She tried to think of the appropriate words. "What"

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