A Dog And Her Friends Pt. 1 (JP)

Klaire knocked on Lyle’s door before she walked in, glancing around the practically plain office. “Hello, sir,” She said calmly. “You asked for me?”

Lyle was sitting at his desk looking over some case files “Morning Klaire since Juno is going to be with her boyfriend in the interrogation room you can ride with me to check out a bear attack.” He replied using the code phrase for a potential supernatural attack.

Klaire nodded in understanding. “Do you want to stop by Brown’s Mechanics on the way? James might be of use if there's magic involved again.” She explained.

“I won't say no to extra firepower” Lyle replied walking with Klaire towards his car “besides I gotta drop off payment for fixing up Riley's old van for Nikolai.”

“Finally got around to doing that?” Klaire asked with a slight smirk on her face. “Also, on the way back, do you mind if we stop by the pet store? I need to get the dogs more food and Dolly is the only person in town who has the kind they all like. I swear that girl is an animal whisperer.”

“Nikolai can finally drive and I doubt my wayward cousin's coming back anytime soon” he replied as he got into the driver's seat “sure thing Dolly's nice and I don't want your pups to starve.”

“You get stocked up from Kallie?” Klaire asked as she hopped in and buckled up.

Lyle nodded as he began to drive towards the mechanic shop. “Alex said they're getting new shipment of books today but to call him if we need their help.”

Klaire nodded, but she knew that Kallie was always inventing something new for them to test out on the field. “Is she going to meet us at the scene?” She asked, remembering that the green haired woman often had supplies to help them collect evidence of the supernatural’s behaviors.

“Yeah I already called her about it” he replied pulling up to the mechanic garage and chirping the sirens for a second.

James would soon step out, a towel in hand as he wiped his hands down. They were forever stained with motor oil and other things. Offering a wave, he walked over to the car and gestured for Lyle to lower the window. “What’s up?” He asked, glancing at Klaire.

Klaire blinked, a slight pink tint on her face as she looked away. “Good morning, Mr. Brown.” She said politely.

“Good to see you James” Lyle greeted with a friendly smile “got a case to look into wanted to see if you got time to tag along. Juno will probably be dropping off your brother soon enough.”

“Yeah, I can come along. Let me tell one of the guys.” James said and walked back into the garage. There was a short conversation and he returned to Lyle and Klaire. “So, let me guess, I sit in the back?” He joked as he opened a door.

“Unless you want to sit in Klaire’s lap” Lyle chuckled “not that she’d mind.”

“Shut up!” Klaire growled as James got in the back.

Lyle chuckled as he started driving again.”So James how's life going ? Still single?”

“I’m always working, so it’s hard to have a social life.” James replied with a slight frown. “Especially with Jaxon always getting in trouble…”

“Well hopefully Juno finally takes him up on that offer for a date and whips him into shape” Lyle chuckled “but I know what you mean about a small social life.”

As they continued to drive they would eventually arrive at the scene. Stepping out of the car and approaching the cop car blocking off the path Lyle took notice of a black car next to it.

“Glad you're here Lyle your cousin is up ahead” the officer replied.

“Alex?” He asked in confusion before getting a chill down his spine at the reply.

“Your other cousin.”

“Other cousin?” Klaire asked as she got out of the car and crossed her arms.

James slipped out of the car and blinked as a green hair woman walked over to them. Her wardrobe made her look like some doll in a way and three life sized stuffed animals followed by her.

It was Kallie Hawthorne.

“You took your time.” She said with a huff, setting her hands on her hips. “I made a few wards to keep animals away.”

< Prev : Carrot Cake, Coffee, And Cases Pt 1 (JP) Next > : At The Gym Pt. 1 (JP)