Art Conversations

Ami went to art class with Lotus. Ami was not particularly good at art, she had absorbed somewhere that stimulating the ‘artist’s’ half of the brain was good for the other half of the brain. She also enjoyed art class. She slung her backpack from her shoulder and sat at her usual table.

Lotus sat next to Ami like usual and gazed at her. “Ready for some more fun in the life of boring school?” She asked with a small laugh. The only art she was good at herself was landscapes, so any time she had to make art of a person…well, it looked horrid.

Ami grinned and nodded. “Can’t wait to disappoint the teacher again.”

“At least we’re creative,” Lotus chimed.

“Yeah.” Ami agreed. She could come up with really creative ideas, but could never make them look like what she had in her head.

“If they have issues with our work, they can go cough up furballs.” Lotus said with a shrug as she got her watercolor paints set up.

“Strangely specific.” Ami pointed out and got a bunch of sharpies and printer paper.

“A lot of people have cats in this town…” Lotus murmured and got up to grab a cup of water as other students stepped into the class and took their seats.

“Are they licking their own cats?” Ami asked, giggling softly.

“That would be hilarious.” Lotus grinned and giggled as well. “I get the feeling has more to do with all the weird stuff going on these days.”

“Ugh, don’t bring up that shit,” A girl groaned.

“Tzeitel is more worried about whoever is tampering with the sauna at the gym.” Ami said.

“Think it might have something to do with the weird stuff?” Lotus suggested, ignoring the other girl. “Also, you are aware my brother is into you, right?”

“Yeah.” Ami giggled softly. She had picked it up ages ago. “Did you just find it out?”

“No, I’ve known for a while.” Lotus said with a sigh and rolled her eyes. “My brother is like a puppy when it comes to you. He likes you because you’re a decent girl and you don’t chase him for what dangles between his legs. Have you seen how other girls practically drool over him? It’s so gross…they’re like dogs in heat.” That was funny coming from a girl who was part dog…Ami only knew because they were best friends.

“Gross.” Ami agreed. She thought her best friend being part dog was kind of neat, and might have absorbed what Lotus is before she was ready to reveal it herself. “Nickolai keeps blushing over you.”

“I know,” Lotus smirked. “I’m playing hard to get with him.” She gave Ami a wink and giggled. “Can’t just let the guy have everything he wants, right?”

Ami shrugged, having not done anything about Leon’s crush on herself yet. It would make sneaking off to train easier if Tzeitel thought she was just dating, how much could Tzeitel think she was really studying?

“Maybe you should come over and try giving Leon a chance.” Lotus suggested. “Maybe he’ll stop bitching about my conspiracy theories…”

“It’s more likely I’ll join him bitching about your conspiracy theories.” Ami rolled her eyes as she ran her sharpie over her paper.

“You two just don’t like my theories!” Lotus pouted, but it was obviously playful. She let out a giggle and got back to work.

“We’d like them better if you didn’t pick so many impossible ones.” Ami said, her sharpie working away.

“Yet I’ve helped solve crimes in this town and mom won’t let me join the force. Yeah, yeah, I know I’m not old enough, but still…” Lotus sighed heavily as she added a brush stroke to her art. Her person looked more like a dying tree than a person…

“At least you don't have to sneak around behind her back to even train.” Ami said. “I'm supposed to go away to college next semester.”

“You sure she’s going to be able to handle you being gone to college?” Lotus inquired.

“She has been talking about moving out of town after I go to college… She plans on living in the same city I go to.” Ami said slowly. She was thinking she might go to college someday… but she really wanted to join the defenders after high school.

Lowering her voice, Lotus whispered, “Just remember that your life is your choice, Ami. Don’t let her control you, okay? Mom gives Leon and I that freedom and we’ve chosen to be part of the Defenders.” Feeling she should give Ami time to think that through, she started to pack up her things. It was almost time for the bell, after all, and they would all be rushing off to lunch soon.

“I know.” Ami sighed as she started packing her bag. “She's going to be so worried when I stay to join the Defenders. She'll be angry to find out I have been training all this time too.”

“You’ll be an adult and it won’t be her choice.” Lotus replied with a sigh of her own. Brushing her hair out of her face, she returned to the table and grabbed her things just as the bell rang. “Time for lunch!”

“I know, I just wish I could talk to her about my real plans instead of dumping it all on her when I don’t go away to college.” Ami tried to let the prospect of lunch cheer her up. She did not understand why she had such a block when it came to Tzeitel, she loved her sister more than anyone, and should know her better than anyone. But she could not read her like she could everyone else.

“Maybe you should try talking to her about it over dinner one day? I mean, didn’t Cody choose to stay in town as a medic?” Lotus pointed out as they stepped into the hallway. “If I recall he had to put his foot down to remind her that he’s an adult.”

“She’s even more protective of me than Cody, and Cody had a hard time of it.” Ami sighed. “She wants what she thinks is best and safest for me.”

< Prev : The Gym