The Gym

Nikolai followed Leon to the locker room and headed to his locker to change into his uniform. Pulling off his shirt he winced as it brushed against the bandages on his back that covered his latest set of runes. Every member of the Silvers family had them tattooed on their body during their training and Nikolai had just had the latest set tattooed along his spine a painful spot already but the holy silver and the fact they had to be tattooed the old fashioned way didn't help either.

Leon looked toward Nikolai and frowned. “I got a salve at home that mom gives us that might be able to help with the pain.” He offered.

“Thanks that would be great” he replied with a smile as he pulled his shirt down “Can't believe I have a couple more sets after this to get can't imagine what the main branch goes through as theirs are more complex.”

Leon shrugged and changed into his gym clothes. “I don’t see why they force you to get those things. We don’t get stuff like that and we’re fine…”

“Alex explained it like securing a house the more locks and guns to keep it safe never hurts” he replied “they help ward off possession, mind control,dream walking ect.”

“Mom, Lotus and I have never had that problem…neither have any of the dogs.” Leon murmured, tilting his head to the side like a puppy.

“Perhaps you have a more magical resistance given your heritage” Nikolai suggested.

Leon shrugged. “Guess that’s something I should ask mom.” Closing his gym locker, he headed out to the gym itself where the girls would gawk at him and Nikolai, like always.

Nikolai followed alongside him as they started doing warm-ups. “So any progress between you and Ami?”

Leon snorted. “I honestly don’t think she has a thing for me, man.” He admitted. “Lotus, however, notices you. She’s just playing hard to get. Keep trying, dude.”

Nikolai perked up at that. While he was confident in his academics and athletic skills, he knew next to nothing about dating, something that wasn’t helped by the fact Riley had been the only one of his family to have a successful relationship. “Do you think I should be straight forward and ask her out? Perhaps we could do a double date with you and Ami?”

“Yeah, be straight forward or she’ll keep playing her game.” Leon answered before catching a basket ball. “We could try, but I doubt she’s gonna go for me.”

“I'll do it and ask her at lunch” Nikolai replied “I think you have a shot doesn't hurt to ask. Worse case scenario you at least have an answer and can move on a lot of the girls here like you.”

“I don’t like those girls, though. All they want is a good fuck. I smell it…” Leon growled, glaring toward a group of girls that were watching them.

“I swear it's impressive with how much you're enhanced senses pick up” Nikola commented “have you thought about asking Lotus? I'm sure she's talked to Ami about it but now.”

“I could talk to her about it, but we have work to do when we get home today.” Leon replied and got to work with their exercises for gym, ignoring the girls that kept watching him and Nikolai.

“Need a hand with anything?” He offered as he joined “I don't have any training today.”

“You can come over if you want, but our work is given to us as part of our training.” Leon reminded Nikolai as he kept working and noticed a few of the other guys glaring at them. “Joy, assholes are ready to pick a fight…”

“They never learn do they?” Nikolai sighed as they approached “I mean they saw what happened to the last group that tried something.”

Leon tossed a ball aside as one of the guys got close. “There a problem?” He asked coolly.

The leader, a blond with piercing green eyes, snorted. “Yeah, you and blue head.” He chided.

“Wow Leon this one knows its colors” Nikolai chuckled rolling his eyes “and what exactly is your problem with us?”

“Should be obvious,” The leader snorted.

“Considering it’s not, I’m going to assume you’re just a jealous little child. If you’ll excuse us, we have exercises to get back to.” Leon stated before turning his back on the blond.

Said blond was furious at being so blatantly brushed off and lunged at Leon, swinging a fist at the other young man’s head. What he didn’t expect was for Leon to grab his arm and flip him roughly onto his back, the breath flying out of him.

“Good form Leon and bonus points for holding back” Nikolai chuckled “I would have just dislocated his arm.”

“I shouldn’t hold back…” Leon’s voice was a growl as he made himself stay still while the others helped their idiot friend to his feet.

“What’s going on?” The gym teacher walked over to them, looking irate.

“N-nothin’,” The blond sputtered and scrambled away with his friends.

“Just some fooling around,” Leon shrugged as he glanced at Nikolai.

“Exactly our apologies” Nikolai replied as they did their best not to earn the teachers ire for the rest of the class. Nikolai couldn't wait for lunch so he could see Lotus.

The teacher gave the blond a frustrated look, sighed and walked off to help someone who had gotten tangled in a net. “Oh, for the love of…”

Leon watched and shook his head. “That kid needs to stay away from nets, man.”

“I don't know at this point I kind of find it entertaining” Nikolai chuckled.

Leon could only sigh as he watched the poor kid get helped out of the net. “Sure…” He shook his head and did a few more exercises before heading off toward the showers. Getting cleaned off, he changed and made his way out just as the bell rang.

Meeting up with Nikolai, he smirked. “Gonna try to hit on Lotus again?” He asked with a chuckle.

Nikolai nodded “I'm just going to be direct about it this time.” Pulling out his phone he looked at a text Lyle sent “Riley is back in town and looks like we're all eating at your place tonight.”

“Is James gonna show up and cook his curry? I haven’t had curry in forever and when mom makes it, she never adds the right spices.” Leon glanced at Nikolai’s phone with hope.

Nikolai nodded “yeah he'll be there hopefully him and your mom will stop sidestepping their feelings” he replied the irony not lost on him.

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” Leon groaned. “I wish she’d just tell Lotus and I to hang out with you and Ami one night so they can finally start dating or something.” By this he meant fucking, but he wasn’t about to mention that around the other students.

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