Off To Town For The Crew

“Fuck me sideways” Lyle sighed before looking over to Klaire “if it's not Alex, and Nikolai's in school that only leaves Riley.” shaking his head the man walked up to the path towards the crime scene.

At the scene there was already Loreen, her gaze on the scene as she frowned.

Kallie snorted and followed both Lyle and Klaire. “Slow pokes.”

“We’re sorry, we had to pick up James…” Klaire murmured, glancing at said man as he joined them.

Lyle sighed and started walking up the path soon enough he came across a clearing where a body was covered by a tarp. Standing close to it was a figure in a black suit smoking.

"What good fellowship we once enjoyed as we walked together to the house of God” the figure quoted with an exhale of smoke as his tired eyes met Lyle’s

“Hello Riley” Lyle greeted in a serious tone.

“Where have you been?!” Klaire spat suddenly as she waltzed up to Riley and literally reached up, grabbing his ear. Pulling him down, she snatched the cigarette from his hand. “We’ve been worried like hell about yo and THIS is how you come home?!”

James gulped and let out a nervous laugh as he stood next to Lyle and Kallie.

Loreen merely chuckled at the sight.

Riley winced as Klaire grabbed his ear. Despite the pain, he had a smile on his pale tired face. “Good to see you too Klaire, it's been a long time” he replied his eyes making contact with Loreen’s for a second.

Lyle smiled at the sight but couldn’t help but worry what Riley’s return meant. If the main branch of their family sent him here things might be serious.

Loreen crossed her arms under her breasts. “Release him, Roth.” She said calmly.

Releasing his ear, Klaire snorted. “Fine, so tell us what’s going on.” She replied. “And you are so coming over for dinner, you brat! I’m gonna call Tzeitel and invite her and we’ll have a welcome home party!”

Kallie rolled her eyes. “Wonderful! Great! Back to business!”

“Sounds good Klaire It's been too long since I saw the pups” he chuckled referring to the twins. Looking over to Loreen he have her a grateful smile.

“So what are we dealing with” Lyle asked

Riley sighed and approached the body before lifting the tarp. The victim was naked with several sigils carved into his flesh. “Past several years I've been following this cult real nasty fuckers involved with summoning demons. Stop several of their summonings other times I've had to fight whatever crawls out. Regardless, it always seems like their leader is a step ahead of me. This is always how they start, pick off a couple of drifters and sacrifice them as sort of a warm up before they do the final ritual that results in a summoning.”

“How many more do you think they’ll be going for until they do this summoning?” James asked calmly.

Klaire frowned at the sight. “Didn’t we have another victim like this in town, Lyle?” She asked, referring to that elderly fellow who had the same sigils carved into him. His poor wife had died of a heart attack when she’d found him.

“Yeah we did. Alex was trying to research them to decipher what they mean” Lyle replied “I take it that's why the family sent you here initially?”

Riley nodded before turning to James “depends on what they're trying to summon weaker demons You can usually summon with a virgin sacrifice by itself more powerful ones require a lot more fodder before you get to the main course.” Pulling out another cigarette he lit and took a puff before exhaling and letting out an exhausted sigh. “Once we're done here mind burning the body James? Easiest way to purify it to make sure it doesn't come back as a Ghoul.”

Loreen walked over and snatched the cigarette from Riley, dropping it to the ground and stomping on it. “I told you to stop that habit!” She growled.

“I can do that,” James didn’t even look at the body as he set it ablaze.

Riley looked at her before trying to avoid eye contact. Loreen was the only person besides Klaire who could see through his facade and not afraid to call him out on it. He knew she could tell how exhausted he was and had hoped she wouldn't have shown up today despite how much he missed her.

Loreen set both hands on her hips and tapped her foot.

Klaire raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Well, what now?” She asked Lyle and the others.

Kallie shrugged. “Not sure, but my wards are keeping animals away for now.” She offered.

“We should check in on Alex to see if he’s made any progress with translating those runes” Riley replied “finding out what they’re trying to summon will tell us how severe it is.We should also check if any virgins have gone missing in the state.”

“We’ll handle that” Lyle replied looking at Riley “You’re going with Loreen to get checked over you look half dead and I’m not letting Nikolai see you in this state. Loreen you have full authority to do what needs to be to make sure he listens”

Riley glared at him in response.

Loreen seemed to pull rope out of nowhere and suddenly had it lassoed around Riley’s middle, hugging his arms to his sides as she did so. “You heard him.” She replied with a smirk.

Kallie let out a laugh as she watched and her living plushies hopped up and down next to her in agreement.

Klaire merely rolled her eyes and stood just a bit closer to James.

Riley sighed as he followed her to her car and got in.

“Come on let's head to Alex and catch him up on things” Lyle said heading to his car.

“Free ride!” Kallie hopped onto the top of the car, her living plushies following.

Klaire and James got into the car, both frowning with concern.

Lyle started the car and began to drive back into town “I’m worried about him too Klaire.”

“He’s a brother to all of us…” James said with a sigh.

“Loreen will take good care of him, I’m sure!” Kallie called from atop the car. “Go faster, old man!” She smacked the top of the car.

“That girl worries me at times…” Klaire grumbled.

“That makes two of us” Lyle sighed “James you'll keep an ear out if customers say anything about strange things happening right?”

“I always do, but no one has said much lately. The only odd thing is the customer we have coming in for his truck today. He’s rich and could have gone to someone closer to his place out of town, but he chose us. It just seems…odd.” James explained.

“Anything about him seem…off?” Klaire inquired.

“I could have sworn he had pointed ears, but that’s about it.” James replied. “Otherwise, he was just your typical rich asshole.”

“Sounds like a high elf,” Lyle replied scratching his chin “I haven't heard of any of them living nearby but then again they got the kind of money and magic to keep themselves hidden. Klaire have your kids mentioned anything weird at school?”

“No,” Klaire answered with a sigh. “And I would know. Lotus is always showing off her conspiracy theories to us. Even the dogs have started watching her pace as she rants on. The last thing she obsessed over was that alien ship that visited…she still suspects Dolly Moss is an alien.”

“Poor woman,” James chuckled. “Dolly is too kind to be bothered.”

“It just makes Lotus more suspicious.” Klaire replied.

“imagine what it's going to be like if one of her conspiracy theories proves true” Lyle chuckled.

“Most of her theories are right most of the time. She’s the reason we solved that murder case a year ago, remember?” Klaire admitted. “She pointed out something none of us had noticed.”

“Just means she’ll make a great part of the team when she gets old enough.” James said, almost sounding like a proud father.

Klaire only glanced at James before looking away, her face flushed.

From atop the vehicle, Kallie smacked the roof. “Hurry up, old man! I want to eat!”

Lyle rolled his eyes as he continued to drive into the town. “No doubt she and Lotus will work great alongside Nikolai and Ami.”

“Kallie scares me sometimes…” James hunched down a little.

“She scares us all.” Klaire chuckled as they heard Kallie yell in joy at the ride.

< Prev : Carrot Cake, Coffee, And Cases Pt 2 Next > : The Doctor Of Town