Carrot Cake, Coffee, And Cases Pt 2

“No touching without permission.” She grumbled before looking away blushing “and I expect you to treat me like a lady.”

“I’ve been trying to do all that, ya know…EYES ON THE ROAD!” He yelled when a car started to take its turn just as Juno went through a red light.

Juno swerved around the car with almost impossible fast reflexes and kept driving. “Then it's a date then I'm free after my shift.”

“I should be off work by then. I could pick you up.” Jaxon said after catching his breath. He was internally screaming and cheering all at once at Juno’s fast reflexes, but boy…that was a moment to remember.

“It's a date then” she replied with a hint of excitement “I'll also be having words with the rest of the force about getting off your back. I know you're not a bad person.”

“I stole candy from a store ONCE as a kid and I’m suddenly the bad kid.” Jaxon said with a shrug. “James made me go back and pay for it after the arrest, so you would think they’d be okay with me. I’ve never stolen again…”

“Some officers are just assholes” she sighed “I’ll be having words with them and if they don’t listen I’ll sick Klaire and Lyle on them.”

“Are Klaire and my brother ever gonna hook up?” Jaxon asked with a snort. “I swear he turns into a teenager any time she’s around.

“Klaire is no different either when me or Lyle tease her” Juno chuckled “I swear we should just get the two of them drunk and locked in a room together.”

“Well, if she’d come to the house and eat James’ food, she’d fall in love with him instantly. As his brother, I can vouch for him. His cooking is at chef level!” Jaxon grinned with a chuckle. Sadly, when they rolled up to the mechanic building, he sighed. He wasn’t ready to stop talking to Juno yet…

“Well maybe we could use that to our advantage” Juno replied not wanting to end the conversation either. “You convince James to cook and I’ll wrangle Klaire into joining us. I can probably convince the twins to make themselves scarce for the evening so she doesn’t have an excuse not to come.”

“Lotus and Leon are teenagers, Juno.” Jaxon chuckled. “They don’t have to be scarce when they already are. Leon would rather train with the dogs and chase after Ami like a lost puppy and Lotus is always studying or playing hard to get with Nikolai.”

“I swear it's cute to see Nikolai trip over himself trying to ask Lotus out.” Juno chuckled. “But I think regardless I can convince Klaire to join.”

“Cool, I’ll see what I can do with James then.” Jaxon offered with a smile before looking at the garage. Letting out a sigh, he unbuckled. “I should get to work. I think some rich guy is gonna come pick up his truck later…”

Juno leaned forward and kissed his cheek “a little taste of things to come if you play your cards right” she whispered.

Blushing, Jaxon pulled out a slip of paper and handed it to her before getting out of the car. It had his number on it.

Juno smiled before adding the number to her phone. Once done she checked her messages and headed towards the bookstore.

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