The Doctor Of Town

Riley sat in silence as Loreen drove. It was hard seeing everyone after all these years and even more hard to see her. Sitting there he tried to think of what to say.

“You never called like you said you would,” Loreen said after a moment of driving. What she was referring to was when he left. He’d promised to call her, to let her know how he was, but he never had. She had her reasons to be angry.

Riley winced at her response. Loreen was never one to beat around the bush; she always went straight for the point or throat. “I wanted to stay in touch with everyone and you guys, especially you.” he sighed “I wasn’t nearly prepared for the type of shit I’d see or do for the main branch of the family. At first I pushed off contacting you because I was busy or couldn’t talk about what I was doing but then it was because I was afraid you wouldn’t recognize the person I’ve become.

“You’re still you, Riley. And the Riley I know always keeps his word.” She pulled the car into the hospital driveway and parked, cutting off the engine. Turning, she glared at him. “After that night, I thought you’d know more than anyone that I’ll always be here for you. I was worried you’d died, you asshole!”

“I almost have several times” he admitted out of guilt following her inside and entering an exam room he removed his suit jacket and shirt revealing the scars, stitches, and additional ward tattoos covering his upper body.

“Ugh, you’ve torn open your stitches again!” Loreen hissed and washed her hands before pulling on a pair of gloves. Grabbing a cart with a tray full of fresh supplies on it, she went to him. “Sit down. Now.”

Riley nodded and sat down as she got to work “I never stopped thinking about you” he replied ignoring the pain.

Getting all the old stitches out, Loreen got to work sewing up the injuries properly. She had a serious expression on her face as she worked. “Then maybe you should have fucking called, Riley.” She stated as she created the appropriate knot and cut off the excess thread before moving onto the next injury. “If this relationship is going to work out, you have to be willing to communicate. I tried to call, but every time I did it went straight to voicemail or was unavailable.”

Riley winced as she continued “then can I start making it to you over dinner?” He asked while gritting his teeth.

A nurse poked her head in to say something, but went silent the moment she saw Loreen. Offering Riley an apologetic look, the nurse bolted.

Loreen ignored the nurse as she got done and began to bandage him up. “And how do you plan to do that? I expect you to relax tonight.”

“Then spend the evening with me to make sure I do” he replied cupping her face with his hand. “I’m not expecting you to instantly forgive me but let me at least take the first step.”

Loreen slapped his hand away stubbornly. “Fine, but I have to work for the rest of the day.” She answered and crossed her arms. “I expect you to go visit Tzeitel and make sure she’s taking care of herself. Cody called and sounded worried about her earlier while I waited for your arrival at the crime scene.” Getting to her feet, she went to toss the used implements into their proper bins. Peeling off her gloves, she tossed them in the trash before tossing her keys to Riley. “Use my car and pick me up at seven tonight.”

Riley winced at her slap before catching the keys from her toss. “I’ll go check on her then” he replied, grabbing Loreen’s wrist and pulling her into a quick kiss before bracing for the punch or slap that would follow.

Loreen couldn’t resist. She had to return the kiss, but she did shove him toward the door. “Be sure to call me if anything happens, you brat.” She warned him, cheeks flushed.

“I will” he replied a smile on his face as he left. If there was one thing he never grew tired of it was seeing her flustered. Taking her car Riley headed to the gym to check on Tzeitel. Parking the car he headed inside.

< Prev : Off To Town For The Crew Next > : Catching Up (Riley And Tzeitel)