Showing posts 16 - 30 of 48

Sole Watcher

Sep 5, 2024, 5:24am by RoyTxxx

Kailus sat against a rock wary of this place as it was all unfamiliar to him. He had little idea what natural threats would be roaming in this area, so would need to be quick to determine a ...

First Watch

Sep 4, 2024, 7:51pm by BerCarney00*

Kailus had the fire crackling in no time at all. The Dwarf and the Halfling had a big pile of wood Stacked neatly near the fire pit. Clemm returned just before dark looking Content with ...

Making Camp

Sep 3, 2024, 7:09pm by BerCarney00*

"I assume it is safe to light a fire here." Kailus says hesitantly. Not knowing the area, he did not know if Clem was expecting them to camp in the dark for fear of attracting attention, or ...

Making Camp

Sep 3, 2024, 3:32pm by RoyTxxx

"I assume it is safe to light a fire here." Kailus says hesitantly. Not knowing the area, he did not know if Clem was expecting them to camp in the dark for fear of attracting attention, or ...

Finding the right spot

Sep 3, 2024, 12:43pm by BerCarney00*

The Crow moved overhead in the thick canopy, his rhythmic caws echoing around them. Clemm trudged on with a purpose. He drifted off the main path, if it were really a path at all. The ground ...

Lead on

Sep 3, 2024, 4:23am by RoyTxxx

Kailus also pocketed some of the Assurian leaves, not particularly to sell, but in case anyone needed healing. His heart sank when he realised that they would be camping, unprotected and ...

Into the Wild

Sep 2, 2024, 3:03pm by BerCarney00*

The four companions continued to travel northwest, guided by their newest member, Clemm. He moved easily through the trees, as is he did it every day. Borri and the Elf handled the hike pre ...

A Journey

Sep 2, 2024, 11:23am by BerCarney00*

The Old man called out "Midnight" and a big black crow Swooped down from the rooftop of the small cottage with a loud "kaw, kaw". Clemm grabbed his pack and meticulously Moved about his ...

Well Met

Aug 31, 2024, 5:59am by RoyTxxx

Kailus waits till Clem starts to approach before he moves himself, having judged that the man has accepted being part of the party. "I am Kailus." he begins, it was already too late to gi ...

The Terms

Aug 30, 2024, 1:54pm by BerCarney00*

Clemm's eyes shifted to each of the three travelers. " I'd be risking my life on this, right" questioned the Woodsman. "True" answered the Halfling. " I need a verbal contract" Clemm re ...

Kailus: At least he hasn't attacked us

Aug 30, 2024, 12:09pm by RoyTxxx

Kailus is still tense, at seeing Clem's disposition. He doesn't get much closer though, concerned about spooking the guy and hangs back, making no threatening moves until he is invited to dr ...

Clemm Ravenclaw

Aug 29, 2024, 9:40pm by BerCarney00*

As the travelers approached the little stone house, they could see a tall thinly cloaked figure in the doorway. A long bow with a nocked arrow in his left hand and ris right hand resting on ...


Aug 28, 2024, 1:04am by RoyTxxx

Kailus assumed that the warning was regarding physical traps, animal traps left for hunting, rather than any sort of underhand tactic. Then a spring trap that was big enough for a man caugh ...

Spring is in the air

Aug 26, 2024, 10:01pm by BerCarney00*

The Morning air was cold but the Sun was fighting to take the day. The three adventurers eventually moved off the main path after about a mile. They moved north with Borri leading the way, ...

Who is this old man

Aug 26, 2024, 8:59pm by BerCarney00*

Kailus ate sparingly, avoiding the eggs because they were too close to meat, something that he did not eat. But he was sated by the time breakfast was over and was ready for the day ahead. ...

Showing posts 16 - 30 of 48