Showing posts 1 - 15 of 45

Plodding on

Sep 15, 2024, 12:10pm by RoyTxxx

Kailus fell quickly into line after Clemm, he was the expert after all. He glanced back at Borri and Tain to make sure that they were following, "How far is this place?" he glances to Bo ...

Moving towards the River

Sep 15, 2024, 12:08pm by BerCarney00*

Clemm lead the Four travelers northwest towards the river on what Clemm Stated " a clear trail" even Borri who seemed to be the most seasoned of them all Said" I can't see any path". They ...

Caught and Eaten

Sep 15, 2024, 6:06am by RoyTxxx

Kailus catches the jerky with a smile. A couple of the airs and graces of his upbringing has already vanished, one of which was accepting a well meant gift no matter how it was tossed at him ...

That was the plan

Sep 14, 2024, 1:18pm by RoyTxxx

"I wish I could say it was intentional, but I need some time to get used to this new lifestyle that I have chosen." Kailus remarks with a wry smile. He sighs and sips some water from his ...

Waking up in a bad mood

Sep 13, 2024, 11:27am by RoyTxxx

Kailus woke up sore, his first real night sleeping on the ground found him wanting his soft bed all the more. He sighed as he packed his stuff and glances at the dying camp fire. There wa ...

A New Day Starts.

Sep 12, 2024, 8:31pm by BerCarney00*

Clemm blinked. The morning sun cutting through the trees Danced on the morning dew. There were no more howls in The distance. It was a new day and this small group of adventurers Would s ...

Before the Dawn

Sep 10, 2024, 4:12pm by BerCarney00*

Borri walked quietly towards the Old Man sleeping quietly near the fire. The Halfling was happy his watch was over. He knelt next to Clemm and said in a low voice, " Rise and Shine Sleepy H ...

The Darkness Continues

Sep 9, 2024, 7:37pm by BerCarney00*

Tain's watch was uneventful except for the continued call of the Wolves in the distance. After about two and a half hours he woke Borri and explained the situation. Tain and Borri shared a p ...

See anything?

Sep 7, 2024, 11:05am by RoyTxxx

"What do you think?" Kailus called quietly into the dark. "If they come, there will be scant time to wake to others, but if they aren't enough of them, then they won't dare attack." Tain st ...


Sep 6, 2024, 6:24pm by BerCarney00*

The fire crackled and the time passed slowly. The Elf paced quietly around the perimeter of the camp, trying not to wake his companions. Sporadically, the silence was disrupted by the lo ...


Sep 6, 2024, 6:24am by RoyTxxx

"Definitely wolves!" Kailus thought, trying to work out how close they were. Traditional logic would have the wolves surround the group before they would attack, that is, if they had suf ...

Sounds in the distance

Sep 6, 2024, 5:41am by BerCarney00*

The Elf sat in solity, placing a large branch on the fire. There was a crackling and a pop as the wood caught and the flames lept up. Kailus stopped, his Elven hearing heightened. In th ...

Sole Watcher

Sep 5, 2024, 5:24am by RoyTxxx

Kailus sat against a rock wary of this place as it was all unfamiliar to him. He had little idea what natural threats would be roaming in this area, so would need to be quick to determine a ...

First Watch

Sep 4, 2024, 7:51pm by BerCarney00*

Kailus had the fire crackling in no time at all. The Dwarf and the Halfling had a big pile of wood Stacked neatly near the fire pit. Clemm returned just before dark looking Content with ...

Making Camp

Sep 3, 2024, 7:09pm by BerCarney00*

"I assume it is safe to light a fire here." Kailus says hesitantly. Not knowing the area, he did not know if Clem was expecting them to camp in the dark for fear of attracting attention, or ...

Showing posts 1 - 15 of 45