Bombastic pt 8

“Do I look like I'm going skiing? Or wearing sunglasses.” Vas tsked. “I'll have you know they do not look or sound like Hellhounds. We're way cooler … obviously.”

“You look like a puppy,” Serena said, matter of fact. “Hellhounds are usually taller.”

“I told you I'm still growing! And I'm not a puppy! You're … a … puppy.” Vas said lamely.

“I’m a rabbit,” Serena corrected, holding bunny ears on her head. “A hound is a full grown puppy. So if you’re still growing…” She nodded to him so he could come to the conclusion himself.’’

“They don't put puppies out on the field.” Vas puffed. “Growing or not.”

Serena kept the bunny ears on her head and took a few hops. “If you say so,” she said in a sing song voice.

“You know Hound eats rabbits.” Vas said very grumpily. “Your a chatty little Erinyes arnt you?”

“She is,” the blonde scoffed, and Serena scowled.

“At least I didn’t have to…” Serena started when the first explosion went off. Neither Erinyes saw it coming. The door they had just past exploded outwards with such force they didn’t even have time to scream or react. The fiery blast sent both Serena and Vas spiraling backwards.

Vas blinked, ears ringing. He was on the flat of his back dazed as he let out a painful cough.

In front of them down the hall, two more rooms exploded as Vas’ com sparked to life, indiscernible sounds squaking as his head pounded.

Serena couldn’t hear, but she could feel the entire building shaking and felt the heat from the nearby fires. There was a brief instance she thought she’d gone blind, but it turned out she’d only squinted her eyes really tightly together. Slowly, shakily she tried climbing to her feet.

Vas ached as he gingerly touched the back of his head. His vision was still a bit blurry as he pawed for a radio. “Nate ….” Vas caught into the radio. “... Nate?”

The radio cracked in and out, the majority of the noise high pitched feedback and static.

“Fucking damn.” Vas winced while putting it back in its place. “Rabbit? You still alive? Anyone else.” He groaned trying to sit up.

“Still alive, I think,” Serena said, her voice shaking. ”Audra? Ophelia?” There was no answer, and it was difficult to tell if anything were moving. Alarms sounded and the automatic sprinklers were triggered as another explosion closed off the stairwell,

Serena babied one of her arms as she hugged her arms around herself protectively, looking for a direction to run. Outside there was gunfire and what sounded like a helicopter. “Audra? Ophelia?” She called again as tears stained the dust on her face.

“Rabbit … where are you?” Vas said carefully getting to his feet and taking stock of himself. He was bang up, aching a bit burned here and there but alive. More than functional.

If Audra and Ophelia survived the initial blast, they definitely didn’t survive the roof caving in, particularly because the first bomb to go off was directly under one of the large condensers.

Serena screamed as more of the roof started giving way.

Vas stumbled and burst into a sprint towards Rabbit's voice. He hoofed it and dust and chunks of roof crumbled down around him. One of them was going to make it out come hell or high water!

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