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View character profile for: Serena

View character profile for: Vas

View character profile for: Nate
Bombastic pt 7
Vas made a motion that looked like a ‘zip it’. “One … two … three lost ducklings. Where do you want them Nate? Really can't have them walking around with us with the bombers possibly lurking about …” Vas pointed out.
Nate grabbed two by the arm as Serena collected her second sneaker. “Out,” he said simply. “Get them to the chopper and to Tartarus, as many as we can find. You can babysit while we sweep.”
Vas deflated about to complain but remembered his place and just let out a dejected huff. “Yes sir …” He grumbled out quietly.
“The hellhounds live in Tartar sauce,” Serena said, putting her hands on her hips while narrowing her eyes.
Vas bopped her gently on the head. “No, that is a condiment for fish sticks. It's Tartarus. Tar. Tar. Us.” He said nudging the trio of girl's back from the way the squad came in from.
“So you are hellhounds?” She asked with disbelief, rubbing the top of her noggin.
“Never said I wasn't.” Vas said herding the girl like a put out Border Collie.
“Usually you’re a lot taller,” Serena commented. “Are you hell puppies still?”
“If I was a puppy I would not be on a mission now would I!” Vas said with an indignant puff.
“I dunno,” Serena shrugged. “I just thought they’d send bigger puppies to get the Erinyes jackers.”
“I'm still growing!” Vas said defensively his cheek getting hot. “What do you know anyway!” He groused, hurrying them along. He looked over his shoulder for good measure making sure none of the other hounds were near or could hear.
“Lots of stuff. That you don’t like babysitting,” Serena said matter-of-factly. “An’ you’re still a growing puppy. I also know seventh-grade math even though I’m not in sixth grade yet.”
“I'm not a puppy.” Vas said tartly. “And no one likes babysitting for your information! Particularly with someone who throws shoes at your head.”
“Did I get you?” Serena asked. “I thought you were one of ‘em, not one of you. I couldn’t find anything else to throw.”
“No you did get me. It was just annoying. Did one of em dress like Hellhounds?” Vas asked dryly.
“All of ‘em.” Serena said. “All in black, an’ they had ski masks, only they werent’ ski masks, they just covered their mouth an’ head an’ they had mirrored glasses, an’ they said ‘don’t worry, we’re gonna save you,’ “ she made her voice deep and gruff to emphasize, “an’ I said, from what? and’ they started picking people up an’ carryin’ ‘em out into a van, so I scratched ‘em and he cussed an’ then I bit ‘em an’ kept biting him until he let go an’ he tried to pull me by my pig tail an’ I kicked him where it hurt most an’ he let let go, an’ then I ran.”