Skye Life - The Patch Job Part 3

A few hours passed and with less to maintain the Nanomites were able to start working on other things. Vas’s head still pounded and he was cold and started to shiver. He cracked his eyes open trying to blink back the blurriness. He felt sluggish and heavy. Even his eyes opening felt like a major effort. He was too tired to feel panic, everything was unfamiliar, his body ached and even all this wasn’t enough to really gear him in some kind of high alert. The feel of being completely rung out tamped down everything else. He tried to move but the aching pain shut that idea down quickly.

“Puppy?” Serena asked with yawn. She let the water out of the tub. “I’ll get you a blanket,” she promised, standing up beside him.

“Where am?” Vas asked his voice low and cracked. His throat felt like sandpaper as let out a painful cough.

“Shhhh. In the sprawl,” she said. “It’s okay, I got you. You’re okay.”

“Sprawl?” Vas p[arroted as the questions started to stack up. “I don’t feel okay …” He admitted childishly.

“Duh, you were shot and impaled by glass,” Serena said, matter of fact, grabbing a thrift store quilt from the bedroom. “Let’s getcha warmed up.”

“I did?” Vas mumbled. The blanket was the best blanket ever. It brought instant warmth and comfort. Plus it felt soft. He couldn’t help but give a sigh of relief.

“Yeah huh, but you’re safe now.” She promised.

“Oh … okay.” Vas mumbled. The girl's voice was soothing and familiar and vas hung between dead tires and was too tired to fall back asleep. “Can I have some water?” He asked pulling the banket hight to chase away the deep set chill.

“We don’t have ice,” Serena warned. “I mean, we do, but only Mathias can make it, an’ I don’t wanna wake him.” She filled a glass at the sink, and held it for him to sip. “Small sips,” she told him.

Vas who was still dazed, hurt and confused was obedient regardless. He was parched the cool water felt good on this throat and Serena carefully only let him sip at the water.

“Easy, easy,” Serena told him, brushing his too short hair back even though there was no way it could hang in his eyes. Cyd used to do that when Serena was younger, back when they got along better than lately.

Vas felt like he had drank a gallon of water, in reality it was barely half a cup. Still it settled him down his eye lids feeling heavy. “I think I fell …” He said numbly everything was still hazy and think to much hurt.

“I think you did more than that,” Serena said, keeping her voice low so as not to bother Mathias. “Don’t you remember anything?”

Vas gave a lazy shake of his head. “My head hurts too much …”

“Okay, then don’t think. Just rest. I’m here. Like you said, we look out for each other.” She reminded him.

Vas nodded. “You’ll be here?” He asked closing his eyes.

“Of course,” Serena told him, taking hold of his hand. “See? I won’t let you go Puppy. I’m here.”

Vas gave her hand weak squeeze feeling an old comfort. It made his chest ache the the reassurance was enoch he could relax and fell back asleep in just a few breaths. While the recovery might take awhile the progress he was making was still relatively rapid compared to a normal person.

“Just like camping under the stars,” Serena whispered getting comfortable on the floor beside the tub. “It’s gonna be all right.”

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