Let's do this!

Serena hopped like an impatient rabbit. “I never been to a rave!” she said excitedly, not quite sure what a rave was, just that they got to wear fun costumes like they were in a play. Cyd had light up sneakers that turned different colors when she walked, and Serena was hooked. If there was more of that? She was in. “Do we gotta bring anything?”

“You? Earplugs, tons of energy, and a sunny attitude.” Mathias smiled and cut up a torn hot pink fishnet into fishnet gloves and a ribbon to tighten it all up. Working quickly using take tape and hem adhesive he put together a wild gypsy skirt of purple and pink with all with different patterns on them. Some leggings, stickers, and a funky shirt with a melting smiley face cut down to size and tape to help it fit nicer. “ … I think this could work? You?” Mathias said looking at Cyd. “You still have those butterfly clips?”

Cyd nodded, and fished them out of the cardboard box with hairspray, combs and brushes, handing them to her brother. “The Picasso of Poverty,” Cyd complimented.

Mathias gave a dramatic bow. “We so have a reputation to keep. Of course she guna look amazing.”

“My turn,” Cyd said with a grin, pulling out a chair for Serena to sit on. “Let’s give you a little pixie dust to complete the look. Rather than two pigtails, Cyd gave her a Halo braid and slightly smoky eyes which at least made her look a little older than ten. The last thing they needed was people bringing kid brothers and sisters with them, like it was some sort of kiddie show. “And…” she dropped a little glitter in her hair. “So you shimmer.”

“And it’s new Skye in the room, congrats it's a ball of neon and glitter.” Mathias joked.

Serena twirled, the skirt fanning around her as she did. “Ready to rave!” she exclaimed, hopping in a circle.

“Look at her she's a natural, you show her the handshake I’ll get her our cuff.” Mathias said opening his tackle box of rave candy. He didn’t make them often, gave them away even less but his family had a distinct cuff they wore he didn’t share with anyone else. Mostly so people know who not to mess around with.

“Really?” Serena asked, clapping her hands together.

“It’s just so people will leave you be,” Cyd said, being pragmatic. She didn’t want the kid to get the wrong idea.

Matias fished out one that had long retired, kid-sized from an even harder day. Back then they raved to escape. Now they raved to make ends meet. “Alright, candy on the right arm is the one you trade with. The ones on the left are not, those are the ones you wana keep or are extra special. So what were going to do the plur, with your right hand, then when you get the cuff, since it’s only for family you move it to the left after? Ready?”

“Yes!” Serena said holding her hand out to shake. “Right hand to left!”

“Okay all you gotta do is copy me.” Matthias chuckled at her enthusiasm. “Peace … Love … Unity …” He said slowly making the motions and letting her copy the other half. When they got to unity while their finger were interlocked he slipped the overly snug black cuff with red skulls from his wrist to hers, which fit much better on her childlike wrist, if maybe touch loose. “ … and Respect.” He said finishing with a fist bump.

Serena giggled and held her arm up to admire the cuff. “And I get to dance all night.”

“Probably till the sun comes up.” Mathias challenged.

“Just until you get a little more….” Cyd struggled to find the right word, “used to things, stay where Mathias or I can see you, okay? They have a craft table, or you can hang out and watch the DJ’s spin music.”

Serena made a face. “Craft table?” Immediately she thought they’d be woodworking or carving a canoe or something. “I just wanna dance,” she said twirling. “An meet people.”

“Which is fair but you all need Kandi to trade, that's what the craft table is for, so you can make Kandi.” Mathias explained with a shake of his wrist to show the layers of cuffs and bracelets. In terms of being a raver, he tended to stay light as a matter of preference.

Serena mulled it over. “I guess that makes sense.” she agreed.

Mathias smiled. “I’ll see able getting you balloons too … but like Cyd said, you’re guna wanna stay close to me or Cyd for now. You’ll still get to dance and make Kandi. We watch out for our own.”

“Watch out from what? I thought it was Peace, Love Unity an’ Respect?” She asked, still admiring the cuff.

“Cuz you're still munchkin height and munchkins need looking after. Plus it’s still the Sprawl. Just cuz most of the people there are all Plur you still get your pain in the ass elements, so its always smart never to forget that.”

“Oh,” Serena said, her shoulders dropping a little. “I’ll keep that in mind then.”

“Don’t get discouraged over it. It’s just how life is out here. It’s why we look out for each other it’s all we got and it’s all we really need.” Mathias said pulling out a shiny holographic fanny pack, tilted his head, and put it around Serena's waist. “Never know if it might be useful. Are we all ready to roll?”

“Yeah huh!” Serena said, being the first to clamor out the door.

Mathias slipped on his jacket and trailed after Serena. “Was our first time this exciting?” Mathias reminisced as he asked Cyd.

“More so.” Cyd reminded him. “There was no one around to walk us through, how we’re not in a cult… heard music, went, and the rest is history.”

“I hardly remember I got so spun that night.” Mathias admitted in a whisper.

“You have any pez or hard candy for…” she motioned towards the door.

“Both. I even got a bunny dispenser.” Mathias said proudly. “She is going. To have such a sugar crash.”

“Best case scenario,” Cyd said with a shake of her head.

“I like to think optimistically.” Mathias said Ina chipper tone.

“Now? Are we going now?” Serena asked, twirling again so her skirt billowed around her.

“Yup we are …” Mathias said shooing Issac out the door. “ … Cyd you got earplugs for Serena?” He asked as he patted his jacket pockets to see if he had any.

“Got ‘em,” Cyd said, patting her kitten backpack. “And a couple of water bottles. You can make plenty of Kandi there to trade, there’s lots to do.”

“Let's do this!” Mathias said spinning the house keys on his finger before locking up.

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