Home Sweet Home

One day became two and two was three and soon enough it was Friday night which was a sudden departure from the normal daily routine. Which brought up a whole new issue they had to address.

“... She can hang out in the craft corner. It’s perfectly safe and I’ll be nearby.” Mathias suggested as he slipped on a vest decorated with buckles and elaborate lacing that was really only for looks.

“We can’t bring her. You said it yourself, she’s a country mouse! She’ll get eaten alive, and not in the good way,” Cyd reminded him. “And if you’re hanging out in the Kandi stringing section, how is Candyman going to work the crowd?”

“I can work the crowd and still be nearby. You know … line of sight and all that. It sorta worked for Issac. A little. Mostly.” Mathias said not sure if he was convinced himself.

“Look, I’m all for inclusivity, but, she’s what, eight? Nine?” Cyd asked.

“Ten!” Serena answered from Cyd’s room.

“She looks seven. How is that going to look to all the rave bunnies that want to think that batting their eyes and shaking their tits will get them free score? They buy more if they think they have a chance with you, and no one will want to smash you if you have pigtails in tow.” Cyd complained.

“I am more than just a slab of meat slinging drugs to people in strips of cloth and pasties that legally do not pass as clothing.” Mathias gave a quick look back at Serena. “But I still see your point. We could always leash her in place.” He shrugged looking through the makeup bin and deciding on his look for tonight's rave.

“Makes her an easier target,” Cyd said with a shake of her head. “How old were you when you punched your V card at a rave?”

Mathias froze. “I sense a trap. But definitely older than Serena.”

“She can stay behind the turntables,” Cyd relented, slightly resentful at giving up both half her bed, and now playing babysitter at a rave.

“You really think she's going to sit still that long?” Mathias said skeptically as he put on the guyliner.

“Not without a little help. You have anything for that?” Cyd asked, nodding to Mathias’ jacket.

Mathias paused. “Ritalin?” He suggested.

Cyd considered it. “Yet not once did you give it to Isaac before school?”

“Tsk he’s not hyperactive he’s just adventurous.” Mathias said with a wave. “Also don't make me talk chemistry. Cuz I will. Besides, when I do get it, it sells like hotcakes on campus, if you'd rather lose out on cash so Isaac does better in school …” He said with a shrug.

“He wasn’t my first choice for college, but I can still hold out hope. “We can both keep an eye out and hope for the best?” Cyd suggested.

“Isaac? College?” Mathias paused. Then look at the littlest Sky posing in front of a mirror making kissy faces. “Stranger things have happened.” He admitted. “We both can keep an eye on the Kid. We’ll dress her in extra bright colors so she's easy to spot.”

“A couple of balloons as a totem, maybe,” Cyd suggested.

“Kids love balloons right? Isaac you love balloons right?” Mathias called out.

“I love balloons. The make by voice sound squeaky!” Isaac called back.

“I think we can make this work.” Mathias nodded putting dark shimmery glitter in his hair.

“So I can go?” Serena called from Cyd’s bedroom. Even if the walls weren’t paper thin, she would have been listening.

“Working on it.” Mathias called back. “Clothing or hair and makeup?” He asked his twin giving her first pick.

“Hair and makeup,” Cyd decided. “Something has to add a little Sprawl.”

“Clothing it is.” Mathias mused pulling out the bin with a collection of clothing that for one reason or another got ripped, broken, cut, or just fell out of favor but all kept around as spare parts. Which happened pretty often. When you couldn’t afford anything new you got good and creative working with scraps. Plus the kid was so small pretty much everything in the box would fit her with some alterations.

“I think you missed your true calling,” Cyd teased. “Mathias Skye. Stylist to the stars.” She plucked out a belt that had been hers - bright pink and white stripes that - if she remembered right, glowed brilliantly under black lights. “I can make hair streamers with it,” she decided.

“I did see a sewing machine on the curb we could fix …” Mathias snorted as he pulled out pinks and purple. “ … Where is the damn tape. Oh, heat and bond even better.”

Cyd raised both eyebrows, “A little young for tape,” she scoffed.

“What? No! Not to wear! To patch, decorate, and hem the clothing!” Mathias said his voice going up an octave. “Bad Cyd.”

Cyd laughed, and patted her brother on the chest. “I thought you went soft in your old age.

“I ain’t [i]that[i] old yet.” Mathias said with a laugh.

“It just feels that way,” Cyd agreed. Mathias did look older than his years, his jaw was square, and any baby fat he’d had was burned away between a steady diet of protein paste and hard work. He had young eyes though, brilliant and blue, that turned steely gray when he was angry.

“I blame the kids.” Mathias added, flashing Cyd a smile as he reached for the neon markers. “Five-minute hack eat your heart out …” He was armed and ready to turn a ten-year-old into the cutest brightest raver. “... if we can’t see her from the moon by the time we’re done I quit.”

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