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Into the Drink
Vas swallowed hard as he raced down the road, now it was just a matter of time and he was going to be the biggest pain in the ass he could be. Mostly for Rabbit but also spite. He watched the light of the cycles and SUV close in from the rearview mirror. It wasn’t long before his prediction about the chopper came true either, one was deployed and hovered low in the sky. The helicopter dipped down just in front of the van as the other SUV’s began closing in.
Vas didn't stop, maybe he wasn’t thinking clearly, maybe his foot slipped or he was confident the chopper wasn’t going to let a psychotic Hound crash an SUV into it! He was going to find out! He slammed the gas pedal, growling a string of obscenities.
The helicopter lifted up just before the SUV hit it, one of the skis breaking the windshield of the vehicle.
“Oh, shit!!” Vas winced the windshield shattering, the SUV swerving from the strike. “I … can’t believe that worked.” He said with a bit of a smirk. Downside he had a busted windshield and a very angry chopper pilot on his ass. “Come at me … keep chasing.” He said looking at the review and the motorcycles sped up to try and overtake.
One of the bikers fired a semiautomatic weapon towards the SUV, aiming for the passenger seat and tires. The other started to overtake the vehicle, smashing the driver’s side window with a metal baton as he drove alongside.
Vas ducked, the SUV swerved wildly as he took fire, the window smashing. How he wished he had a gun to take some potshots. The unfortunate truth was he wasn’t out to hurt or kill his brothers but he was so sure if the feeling was mutual. Didn’t mean he wasn’t going to fight tooth and nail. Sparks flew from the passer side every time the rim ground into the asphalt fo the road and Vas was losing control of the van, barely able to keep it straight.
A second SUV rammed into the liftgate of Vas’ vehicle, attempting to push him towards the rocky wall on the right, or guard rail on the left. Either way, he wanted the vehicle stopped.
The SUV jerked forward from the hit and scraped along the guardrail and Vas struggled to pull away without it resulting in a roll.
The helicopter hung dangerously close to the ground in front of him, blocking his view ahead, the rotary blades making the motorcycles hang back, while the SUV’s closed in.
Vas wiped the sweat from his eyes panting and he wrestled the SUV to maintain control. The spotlight from the chopper suddenly flooded the car with light blinding him. He blinked seeing nothing but colors and spots, barely able to make out the black asphalt of the road.
The SUV bumped him again, hard, causing the chopper to have to pull up or be hit by the out of control vehicle. Both the driver behind him as well as the chopper shined high powered lights to try and blind the driver.
Between the the light blinding him and the car ramming him from behind he was a less then prepared and slammed his head on the steering wheel, dizzying him. Vas was to slow trying to jerk the car back on the road. He could barley see as the car careened off the road, and when it his water he realized that he has sailed off a bridge. That was a short lived realization as he blacked out on impact with the freezing water.
The helicopter hovered above the surface, shining its bright searchlight into the water, the wind from the blades making the waves rough and choppy.
Vas was held in his seat by the seat belt and was only vaguely aware of the dire situation. He felt hands on him, tug at him, drag him. His lungs burn for air and he could find none, he felt suffocated and when he tried to open his eyes they were blurred and dark, his vision tunneling, his heart pounding in his ear before he closed them again.
He felt an uncomfortable weight pound at his chest that wouldn't go away. It pounded on him till he tried to breath and ended up coughing and gagging up water.
The same rough hands that pulled him from the car now pulled him above the surface. A sling was placed around his waist and he was hoisted into the air by the chopper. Vas would black out long before they reached Tartarus.