C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G Song

It was nearing lights out and everyone was winding down for the night when Vas finally came back, nonchalantly walking up to the brick building while at the same time trying not to be spotted. He poked his head into the gym,waving less than subtly to get Serena’s attention.

Serena giggled and grabbed her unicorn sweatshirt, skipping across the hardwood floor, enjoying not only the squeaking sound of her sneakers on polished wood, but of the envious looks from her fellow Erinyes.

“Come on …” Vas ticked his head for Serena to follow and headed down the hallway in a hurry.

“Where are we going?” Serena asked, jogging to keep up.

“Shh … it’s a surprise.” Vas said in a hushed tone. “Keep up! Serious face!” He said picking up the pace. He padded through the halls enough time he could probably do it blindfolded and lead Serena out to the courtyard. He peeked out the door first making sure there wasn’t anyone out there to bust them before motioning for Serena to follow him out.

Serena giggled, and used ‘sneaky feet,’ waling on her tiptoes. She covered her mouth trying to stay quiet, and then put on as serious a face as she could muster, looking very much like a kitten which just got hold of a goldfish.

Vas quietly closed the door and they were outside in the fenced-in yard. I snagged the bag he stashed next to the door. “Okay so … we don’t have a place for a fire but I got a bunch of small candles … so that will have to do …” He said motioning for her to sit down with him as he set out a couple of tea lights.

“Is it your birthday?” She asked, looking at the candles.

“What? No. It’s the closest I could get to a campfire.” Vas corrected, lighting up the tea lights. “They didn't have chocolate bars but they didn’t have chocolate pudding and they also didn't have graham crackers … and regular crackers would just be weird so I got puff cereal instead. You know what they did have?”

“What’s that?” Serena asked, clapping her hands together.

“Marshmallows.” Vas said pulling out the bag in a tada motion. “Ain’t that just the weirdest thing ever?”

“Marshmallows!” Serena repeated. “Can we roast ‘em? Do you want me to find sticks?”

“Way ahead of you rabbit!” Vas said presenting her with a fork. “Don’t burn your nose.” He teased opening the bag of marshmallows. “I figure a little creativity and we can have s'more pudding! I mean it’s pretty close tot he real deal right?”

“You are the smartest Hellhound there is!” Serena practically squealed. “S’more pudding!”

Vas puffed a bit happy the plan was working so well. He stuck a marshmallow at the end of Serena's fork with a bright smile. “Don’t let it burn.” Vas said taking one for himself as he carefully started to roast it over one of the small candles.

Serena mimicked his actions until the marshmallow was gooey, “I finished my necklace,” she said happily, pulling it out of her sweatshirt.

“Yea? Lemme see?” Vas said taking a closer look at her work. “You got that done fast! Looks really nice too!” He complimented.

“Thanks!” she said, scrunching up her shoulders. “I’m gonna wear it forever.”

“Forever is a long time.” Vas nodded putting a roasted marshmallow on top of his pudding cup and promptly started to roast another. There was no such thing as too much marshmallows. “If you grow too big it might not fit.”

“Then I’ll add another bootlace,” Serena rationalized, putting her marshmallow on the pudding cup, just like the hellhound. “Problem solved,” she said through a gooey mouthful of chocolate.

Vas chuckled. “See plenty smart too, my you’ll get fancy and has some colored beads to it.” He said offhandedly and he stuck the second rated marshmell on. He sprinkled the top with the crunchy puffed rice to top it off. “To camping out and making s’more puddings.” Vas announced holding out his cup to tap against hers as if they were toasting.

Serena flat-out laughed as their marshmallows got stuck while clinking them together. “This is even better than camping under the stairs!” She decided.

“Of course it is. There are Marshmallows and as you know Marsmellows make’s everything even better.” Vas said as if it was obvious before taking a bite. Very sweet but very marshmellowy.

“Do we get to stay out all night?” Serena asked hopefully.

“Naw, if Nate does a bed check I’ll get hell for it in the morning.” Vas said making a face. “Plus you don’t want to make your friends too jealous.”

“Maybe I could stay outside myself then,” Serena offered. “This way you won’t get in trouble. I can put up a tent like you showed me. An’ now, I have even more knots to work with!”

“All alone? You’re too small, an owl might see you and think you’re a bunny and scoop you up! Plus now you’re full of pudding and marshmallow so you’ll be extra yummy.” He said poking her belly.

Serena giggled, and swatted at his hand. “I can take an’ owl. Have you seen me throw a punch?”

Vas teased making an iffy gesture.”Do the shoe the owl would never see it coming.” He laughed.

“See?” She said, popping another marshmallow in her mouth. “I’d be fine!”

“Maybe next time. We can real cookout, get fancy, and see about hot dogs and stuff.” Vas offered. “Today? Smores pudding some stars.”

“I’ll take what I can get,” Serena said, blowing out one of the candles. She lay back on her folded arms to look up at the stars, stifling a yawn.

“You can see them much better out here than in the city. I only know a few of ‘em.” Vas admitted. “There supposed to be a story for each one too.”

“Which is your favorite?” Serena asked.

“Mine?” Vas looked up. “That one. Cuz it's the easiest to find.” He said pointing. “The big dipper, there tons of stories about how people used it to find their way cuz it doesn't move much in the sky which is kinda cool.”

“Then that one’s my favorite too. An’ this way no matter where they move us, we can both see the same thing, on account of it doesn’t move much.” She decided.

“That is both adorable and cheesy as hell. Here I though the smores pudding was guna give me cavities.” He said with a lopsided smile. “Let's get back in before someone notices, you wana bring back the marshmallows with ya? Share it with the others?”

“Yeah huh, I sure do, an’ I’m gonna tell ‘em we got to roast them an’ everything,” Serena said confidently. “An’ I’ll remind ‘em you’re still the best hellhound.”

Vas laughed. “Can’t help being awesome.” He said with a big smile cleaning up. “Just gotta keep quiet till we get you back and if Nate asks just spin a tall tale still he gives up and walks away.” Vas said with a cackle opening the door for them.

“Do we have to?” Serena asked, hitting him with her best puppy dog eyes.

“Yea, unfortunately, still a military base and they may not take too kindly finding you out here by yourself. So if you want to be spared being told all the regulations and security risk stuff.” Vas ticked his head.

Serena nodded and grabbed the marshmallows, loping after him. “‘Sides, there will be other nights, Puppy.” She reminded him.

“Many, night, maybe even better ones but we gotta start somewhere right?” He said as they walked back to the gym.

“Yeah huh, you bet! I don’t think I could ever get tired of marshmallows and stars,” she admitted.

“I told ya, Marshmallows make everything better!” Vas said knowingly as they rounded the corner. His steps slowed, his eyes narrowing when he realized theirs weren't the only footsteps in the dark. He shot his hand to stop Serena.

“Didja want another one?” She asked, starting to rifle through the bag. She had marshmallows stuffed into her cheeks like a hamster. She looked up and shielded her eyes when the grown up hound turned a flashlight on them.

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